Chapter 2~ First Day

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Authors note- Hey guys I'm new to this so please don't judge if I made a few mistakes. I hope you all like it;)

"IM SO FANCY......YOU ALREADY KNOW" my alarm clock yelled at me. "UGGGH, Iggy take a chill pill i know your fancy gosh!!" I yelled back shutting it off. I was able to yell because Mike already left, Sarah was probably making breakfast for Jake, and Jake is probably up because of me. He's a brat so I don't care. But you gotta love him. When he's not on his electronics all the time.... he's a happy Jake. But let me tell you, if he is on his iPad or iPod (ik, ugh 11 year olds) he is not to be bothered or bad things happen. "NOW IM UP THANKS ALANA " Jake yelled. "ANY TIME,ANY TIME" I yelled back. Alyssa laughed as she bounced out of bed to get her clothes. I forgot how much of a morning person she is. "Get up it's the first day, we can't be late Lan Lan" That's what she calls me, it's like a nickname she has for me. I groaned as I got out of bed. Oh did I mention that it was the first day for both of us. She wasn't new to the school but it was September 2nd the first day back from summer break. I got dressed into a crop top and jean shorts, not too high though, I'm not a slut like most other girls these days. But I put a hoodie over my shirt. I just had a feeling that I'm gonna end up being really cold at some point. I did a usual make up. Blush, mascara, and a little eyeliner. I was gonna straighten my hair but I have so much, of it, I just wouldn't have enough time. So I put my hair in a nice, quick side braid. I went to go eat breakfast but I barely had time to eat. We had eggo waffles, sausage, and a mini bagel. Alyssa obviously didn't finish because of how slow she eats. I brushed my teeth and walked out the door with Alyssa by my side. She looked nice. She had a crop top that barely showed her belly button and some tight leggings. But she had a hoodie over her shirt since it was a little chilly at 7:00am. We walked to the school since it was only 2 blocks away.

We finally got there 10 minutes before the bell rang. Alyssa rushed to her first class as I walked to my locker, after putting everything in there and taking out hat I need, I felt a huge rush of nervousness come through me. Oh no, what If I get lost in this big school? This is about twice the size of my old school. I closed my eyes and slid down the lockers taking deep breaths.

"Um excuse me I need it get to my locker." I opened my eyes and looked up. There was a boy with amazing brown hair and icy blue eyes. A rush of butterflies ran through me, This boy was totally cute!!! "Oh sorry" I said in a quiet voice getting up and moving so he could get to his locker. He looked up at me and looked supprised, But why? Oh gosh what if I had something in my teeth... But without answering he shut his locker. He looked at me again "Hey are you ok? I saw you looked a little...." I cut him off "nervous?" I said with a sigh. He nodded. "It's just that I'm new to this school. I'm nervous if I will get lost in a school this big. What if I get trampled by the seniors?" he chuckled as he looked at the ground "Um actually they usually aren't by this part of school. And i know this school inside and out, I could help you..." I was shocked. This cute boy wanted to help, me??? "Here's my schedule" I said as I handed it to him. He looked at it with a sad face "We only have first period together" I smiled "Awe man" I'm such am idiot... he motioned me to follow him as he walked away. I surely followed him, when we got to the room a male teacher was in the front of the room getting ready to teach. I sat down next to the cute blued eyed boy when the teacher called out "You two get up, I have assigned seats arranged." we got up and walked to him as he pointed to our seats. We basically were next to each other, there are 2 people between us. Better then across the room right? The bell rang.

"Hello class my name is Mr. Beckham, no, my first name is not David.... It is Taylor. But anyways, This is your home room, and I will be teaching you math." The rest of the class was a blur. But the cute boy answered a lot of questions, which proofed he was smart. I didn't answer any. Well if it was science, Not a chance! I'm a master at science, and math is my weakness. After that I never saw that cute boy till lunch.


It was 12:22 and i know I have lunch with Alyssa, but where the hell is she? I sat down at a table alone and got on my phone. I had 634 vine notifications, 59 snapchats, 197 Instagram notifications, and I didn't even look at twitter. I ignored it all and texted Alyssa

Me- Hey Bish where are you??

Alyssa💕😍🌝- Sorry I had to find Nash, your finally gonna meet him! I'll find you.

Me- ok I'm easy to find, I'm the loner sitting all by herself

Alyssa- not for long;)

I turn around as she was sitting down. A tall boy sat next to her with amazing blue eyes, similar to the ones the cute one had. "Hey I'm Nash, I've heard so much about you from this dork!" he seemed nice "Hey I'm Alana, I've heard a lot about you too" I said with a smile. He was attractive and kind, I could see why Alyssa liked him so much, but she barely made it obvious. Maybe a little here and there but other than that, nope. She a playa! "Hey I'll be back I'm gonna go to the bathroom" Alyssa said as she walked away. It was awkward silence until the blue eyed boy came up to Nash. "Hey can you give me money for lunch" he said in a demanding voice. "Bish I ain't giving you no money!" Nash said with sass, purposely. "Really please can you?" But Nash still refused "Nash please! You can't make me starv" Nash shook his head, but wait, were they related? I pulled my purse out and found a 10 dollar bill. "Here" I handed it to him "I'll be the better person and let you have money" I said looking at Nash "Hey it's his fault he didn't bring money" Nash said putting his hands in the air. The cute boy took it and smiled. "Lunch is only 5 dollars" His voice is perfect. His smile is perfect, His hair is perfect... o my gosh everything about him is just- "Hello?" oops I dozed off! "It's ok just keep the 10... Before I take it back" I grinned evilly "Thank you, gorgeous. I'm sorry this douche over here made you give me money...." Nash cut in our conversation "Oh is little Hayseepoo trying to flirt?" he laughed hysterically. The boy totally looked annoyed. "Try harder because Alana is a pretty girl and your you!" Nash said that I got annoyed. He is not just... him. he is a really good looking boy my age and- wow look at me fan girling! The cute boy walked away angrily. Why did Nash do that? "I heard you like Alyssa?" I lied, but this was my way of finding out "Yeah, Did Hayes tell you? She drives me crazy but ik she won't like me back because of our good friendship. " No way, No God Damn way!!! "She told me something similar. But only the ik he won't like me because of our good friendship" He was going to say something but he couldn't. He was too shocked. Alyssa came back a minute after. "Did I miss anything" Nash was about to talk but I said quickly said "Nothing, nothing except eating" She smiled and we ate in silence.

After lunch nothing important happened. I met 2 nice girls and a boy. Not my type though. Their names were Makaila, Jessica, and Adrian. But other than that nothing important, just learning....

After we got home and went in our room Alyssa locked the door which scared me a bit. "What are you doing?" I asked. She smiled "Did you meet anyone? Friends and cute boys tell me everything!" I was still confused she had to lock the door to ask that. "Umm I met 4 people; Makaila, Jess, Adrian, and the cute boy. I can't remember his name though." She yelled "Aww my little Alana has a crush!!!" I just met him today and we barely talked. Yeah he's cute but what if he's a douche? Than naw goood byeee! "It's not a crush if I barely talked to him. But he is so cute with those icy blue eyes, brown hair, perfect smile..." Alyssa put her hands on her cheeks as her jaw dropped. "You like Hayes!!! Well it sounds like Hayes" Was that his name? No it can't be. "No I don't think so" She nodded as we went down for dinner and then went to bed. Nothing important happened. But I went to sleep thinking about that cute boy.... Dang he was so cute!

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 02, 2014 ⏰

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