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I hated working night shifts because Alex always leaves at 8 and this dam coffee shop doesn't close till 10:30.

It was soon 10:23 and I started putting the chairs up and turning off the sign, I heard the door open and immediately my head turn to see it was a boy who walked in, I suddenly became nervous.

"Sorry the shop is about t-to close" I manage to say, because there was only one light on I could still see that he wore black skinny jeans a white shirt and a sleeveless denim jacket. However you could also see tattoos starting from his arms and peeking through his neck, along with a lip piercing and lilac hair. He looked up from his phone and took off the sunglasses he had on, which was weird cause it was night.

"Almost but not yet." He says giving me an unreadable stare. I sigh and walk behind the counter to which he smirks.

"what do you recommend?" he asks looking at the menu.

"I donno." I say and he looks back down at me to which I realize he has stunning electric blue eyes.

"Let me get a tea," he says typing away in his phone again.

"You drink tea?" I ask but it was a stupid question obviously he does I say to myself, he let's out a chuckle. I turn on the machine and brew up his tea and lean on the wall waiting for it, until his phone rings. He turns around his back to me and answers it.

"What is it Malik?" he says through the phone, he paces back and forth then looks out the window, "no I'm at a shop- just wait I'll be there soon- don't be stupid- don't fucking get caught Malik!" Be shouts now somewhat angry. He was about to say something to me again but his phone rang again-

"Z-.... what?!!! I'm on my way" he says walking away.

"Hey what about you're tea?!!" I shout but he completely ignores me as he walks out.

"Little shit," I mutter to myself because now I had to use the tip jar to pay for his fucking tea.

I closed the shop early because I knew no one was going to come in. I walked home because my car was in the shop but the whole way I was parano-

"where is he?!" a voice from around the corner shouted but the voice...

"I told you I don't know! he left weeks ago. he didn't say!" a more struggled voice said, I stopped dead in my tracks afraid get caught if they heard my footsteps.

"Bulshit! tell me where or I swear I'll kill you." The man said..but it wasn't just a random man.. it was the guy from earlier.

"Niall please believe me I dont-" he didn't get to finish but it all happened so quickly that the other boy landed on the floor-cold. This so called Niall just killed someone- I immediately turned around to run away but being so afraid I didn't see the can that I kicked making a deadly echoing noise.

'shit!' I thought but behind me I heard his footsteps running towards me.

"Hey!" Niall shouted as I ran and ran as quick at I could I came across a small alley behind a sandwich shop and I hid there leaning against the wall breathing heavily. After a few minutes passed I peeked through the edge of the wall and sighed when I saw there was no one following me. I walked quickly back to- I screamed when I felt an arm around me but soon my mouth was also covered. I was pushed against a wall and came to contact with him- Niall.

"You shouldn't have been there." he said looking at me coldly but his eyes looked...dead, he dropped the hand around my mouth but held me there,

"you shouldn't have-"

"please let me go I won't say anything- please." I say shaking.

"But I can't let you go now can I?" he says.

"I saw nothing I promise!" I cry but he shakes his head.

"I don't care what you saw its what you heard him say." He says his blue eyes now becoming darker.

"I-I don't remember please let me go-" I say pushing but it was no use.

"but now my name is in your memory and you shouldn't know my name- no one does, without dying."

Hi! c: so this is account being used by three people Me (L) and my two best friends Jade and Sher

PS I wrote this stay tuned for their stories too!
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⏰ Last updated: Jul 01, 2015 ⏰

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