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warnings: established vampire/human relationship, biting with aphrodisiac effect, EXPLICIT sexual content ( i mean it folks, we're ending this trilogy with a pun intended 😏)

also... i could have totally waited for seulgi's birthday, but i'm impatient and yolo.

with every new year, two things come to jaebum's mind. the first, is making sure as soon as the clock strikes midnight on new year's eve, he rings in the new year sharing a kiss with seulgi. the second, is to begin planning her birthday the minute his own is done. this year, seulgi kept it simple, but it was perfect. he had fun having dinner with his friends, receiving thoughtful gifts, and then spending the rest of the night and the following day with seulgi in bed.

seulgi's birthday has to be treated with the same amount of care as his own. it's also on a sunday this year, so he's taking a page from her book and doing something the day before.

he's been racking his brain for ideas on what to get her, and his heart is telling him to buy her a promise ring.

but he's nervous about it? couple rings are still a thing, right? but then he mentions promise rings and he gets mixed reviews. 'don't buy me a promise ring, i'd rather wait until you properly propose. we're not in high school anymore.' nayeon tells him when he asked for her opinion, but then her girlfriend dahyun told him 'promise rings are cute! you're too young to commit to marriage right now anyway'. he's not sure where seulgi falls within that spectrum.

sure, she'd love any gift from him, 'it's the thought that counts', but he wants the perfect gift for her! dating him, isn't easy. he has his moments where he feels like he's downright unbearable yet seulgi's stuck around for nearly four years. he still remembers the moment he first laid eyes on her during their college entrance exams, and he would have never pictured them being where they are now.

they're closer and closer to graduation, and the official start of adulthood. the first year out of college is hard, you're finding a job that hopefully relates to your degree and figuring out life on your own. he wants security for their relationship more than ever now. wants her to see how serious he is about her, and prove that one day he's going to give her the proposal and wedding she's dreamed of since she was a kid. they're not ready for that now though, so that's where the promise ring comes in handy.

he's just nervous because he's never gotten jewelry for seulgi before. she's bought him new earrings, a bunch of fake piercings to keep up his imaginary aesthetic, and rings galore while he's never really thought about getting her any jewelry, not even ones to match him (which is weird because he actually likes the matching couple look).so, if he's going to do this right and buy something as serious as a promise ring, he wants to do it big. and what better way than to make the ring yourself?

it's weird venturing outside without her. he's a vampire, a creature of the night, yet he's afraid to go out in public for extended amounts of time without his girlfriend. he's gotten too use to her always being there with him.

he's looked online at a place where you can go and make your own rings; so equipped with one of seulgi's old rings for size reference, which was very hard to steal without her noticing, he headed out to create his craft.

arriving at the place, he was immediately greeted and sat down for a explanation on the process before getting a book for designing tips.  he has an idea for the engraving, their initials together, and he wants to add her birthstone, so with that in mind they carry on with the ring making.

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