Letters to Avaline

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It floated down from my locker towards the ground like it did every Monday for the past three years. And every year I'm left clueless. I held the envelope and traced my fingers over the red love heart sticker which was always placed as a seal for the letter. I opened it and found myself smiling while reading the letter.

'To: Avaline

It's been three years since my first letter to you, and everytime I see you read my letters you smile, giving me the motivation to write more. Happy Birthday Avaline! One day, I hope to share this special day with you, having me by your side to show the world that your taken and labelled as mine.

Every hug feels so right, every smile from you feels like winning a trophy and I love it, so much. If only you knew who I was, if only you knew how much I appreciate and treasure our times together and alone.

They say that all good things come to an end, but I know that this good thing is just the beginning and far from the end.

Just have patience.

Love, A.'

I put the note back into the envelope and gently placed it in its reserved spot in my bag.

"Ava!" I turned around to see Evelyn, my best friend, standing in front of me. "Guess what!?"


"Your one true love has a message for you!"

"My one true love? What are you rambling about Evelyn?"

"Your Anonymous lover. The one that sends you a note every Monday, gives you the vaguest clue as to who he is but gives you the greatest expectations."

"Oh, him. Well, it's not like he's going to miraculously gather enough courage and show me who he really is after all these years."

"And that my friend, is where you're wrong." I gave her a look of confusion. "I got a letter too."

My confused look immediately dropped into a look of disappointment. I was frowning, and all my friends tell me that frowning doesn't suit me, even Archer, my guy best friend, says so. Thoughts started swarming my head as my brain decided to overthink every situation possible.

"Before you go overthinking again," Too late, I thought. "He wrote me the letter to give to you. I know it makes no sense but he kind of explained on a separate sheet of paper. Maybe that's another clue, a guy who doesn't always make sense."

"But my anonymous writer writes with so much sense and sweetness. Sometimes I wonder if he's even in year nine like us."

"Well, it's whatever you want to believe. Here."

She handed me an envelope that was similar to the letters I've received, only difference being that it had a blue heart instead of my usual red one. I traced my fingers over the heart again and took a shaky breath. The envelope was already opened so I lifted the flap and pulled out the piece of paper.

'To: Avaline

This word is a favourite of girls.

Boys are unnerved on the mention of it.

Once love finds its accompaniment.

It becomes a lifelong event.

What is it?

Meet me at the _______ tree after school.

Love, A.'

"Well one thing is for sure. He knows that I love riddles." I said, putting the letter away. Evelyn just smiled at me and gave me a hug.

"Happy Birthday Ava! May true love finally be in your favour."

"Thanks Evelyn." And with that she skipped away to her next class.

The rest of the day continued quickly and after a day full of birthday greetings it was finally the end of the day, meaning that I get to meet my anonymous writer. But there was still one problem, I don't know where to go. Sure, I love riddles, but my mind is over thinking again, and I just can't pinpoint what he meant. I stopped walking, realising that I was walking nowhere, and I tried to clear my thoughts. 'It becomes a lifelong event.' The riddle repeated in my mind over and over again, until I finally had a light bulb moment.


He wants me to meet him by the forever tree.

But how does he know about the forever tree? The only person that knows about it is Archer, my best friend since diaper days... No, it can't be him. He's my best friend and he completely friend zoned me in grade six. Although, he's never brought it up since... No, Avaline. Just get to the forever tree where your future is waiting for you.

Before I knew it, I was metres away from the tree and a boy who looked my age was leaning against it, his back facing me. I slowly took steps towards the tree. I shut my eyes and breathed in taking my final, life changing step...

Until I tripped.

My clumsy self, chose to trip at this very moment. I was about to hi-five the floor with my body. I accepted my embarrassing fate by shutting my eyes tight, hoping that it wouldn't hurt.

But after a while I realised that I was waiting for a fall that never came. There was a warm arm under me, keeping me from falling. I opened my eyes to see the boy. My Anonymous.


"Falling for me already Avaline?" 


A very very short story. I guess I just wanted to share it because I found it somewhat cute? Also because I was very proud, writing it in english :p

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 28, 2019 ⏰

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