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Jungkook ran to the washroom. He cursed himself for being so sensitive but he couldn't help crying. He hated this mean boy. He hated this school. Couldn't everyone be nice in the world?

After a few minutes, he washed his face and returned back to class. He knew that if he showed that he was weak, he would be picked on more often.

"Are you okay Mr. Jeon? Your face looks red." The teacher asked as Jungkook entered the class. Jungkook nodded and walked to his seat.

He looked down the whole time until he saw a familiar pair of shoes. Kim Taehyung. He looked up to face him. He had anger in his eyes.

Beside Taehyung, he saw a familiar blonde boy. It was Jimin, the boy he had met in the morning. They both were holding hands. He wondered how a kind person like him could be friends with a monster like Taehyung.

Without saying anything, he continued to walk forward. His grandma had always tought him to be calm and peaceful.

"Aww. Are you done weeping? Did I hurt you bunnyboy? Are you going to fight me?" He heard Taehyung mock him behind his back but he kept walking until he sat on the last desk.

When he sat, he looked up to watch Taehyung and his friend. Jimin looked back at him and smiled guiltily. Jungkook just stared at him. He couldn't believe that the only kind person he had met since the morning was with the meanest boy in the school.

Jungkook took a deep breath and told himself to have patience. "You shouldn't be too fast to judge someone." He thought. But he found out that he was wrong.

After the class ended, Taehyung again made Jungkook fall over his foot to tease him. That is when he decided that he hated him.

Jungkook was glad that his next two lectures did not have Taehyung in them. He enjoyed the lessons and at 12:00, it was lunchtime. He stood in the line to get his food and after getting it, he stood with his tray, scanning the canteen for an empty table.

There! He spotted one at the middle of the hall. He quickly walked over to the table but just before he could pull a chair and sit, a tray was kept in front of him. Jungkook's eyes travelled from the hand of the person holding the tray, slowly to his shoulders and then his face.

Jungkook nervously backed up a little as he saw Taehyung standing in front of him. "This is our table, nerd." He said.

Jungkook saw Jimin and a few other boys standing behind him. It took some courage but he finally spoke up, "Where am I supposed to sit then?"

Taehyung scoffed, "Where all the dorks sit?"

"But I came here first." Jungkook argued but he immediately regretted his decision as he saw Taehyung's eyes stare at him in a dangerous way.

"You want to fight me bunnyboy?" Taehyung growled.

"Hey Tae- " Jimin tried to calm him but Taehyung shrugged him off.

"At least tell me where I should sit then." Jungkook was trying so hard to be brave in front of him. He didn't want to look like a weakling even though Taehyung's scary glare made him shiver like a kitten.

Taehyung sighed. "You want a place to sit? Do one thing, go straight over there," he pointed, "and take a left. Maybe you'll find some dorks like you there who want to be friends. Okay?"

Jungkook took his tray and walked out of there. He figured that maybe he would find some friends there, even if they were 'dorks'.

He walked straight to where Taehyung had pointed. He kept staring at the ground and avoided eye contact with anyone as he took a left at the corner.

"Aaaaaaaaa" Jungkook looked up as he heard a girl scream in front of him, "GET OUT YOU FREAK!" She threw a shoe at him. Jungkook realized that he had actually gone inside the Girl's bathroom! He quickly ran out of there as girls threw things at him.

In the process, he tripped over a bag and his tray flew out of his hand dropping all the food on the ground. Jungkook wanted to weep.

He wiped his tears as he ran across the canteen to the stairs. He heard Taehyung and his friends laugh but he didn't care. He ran up the stairs to the terrace of the building.

He sat in the corner with his eyes full of tears. Now he had no money for his lunch. He was humiliated two times in a day and he had made no friends. He hated this school. He hated Taehyung. He wanted to go back.

Jungkook sat there for a while, crying and thinking. Alone.

"Bad day eh?" Jungkook heard a voice come from behind him. It was a familiar high pitched voice. He turned around and saw Jimin standing behind him with his hands in his pockets.

Jungkook angrily turned his head away. "Why do you care anyway? Don't you have your 'friends'?" Jungkook mumbled.

"You are my friend." Jimin smiled and sat beside him.

Jungkook looked at him.

"Here. Eat this. You must be hungry." Jimin smiled and offered him a sandwich.

"I don't want anything from you." Jungkook said. He kept watching as Jimin left the sandwich in his hand and walked away. "Eat it. You'll feel better... friend."

Jungkook sat there with the sandwich in his hand. A lunch and a friend. Had he just got both?

YOU MAKE ME BEGIN: A Taekook FanficWhere stories live. Discover now