I'm Peter Kirkland, From Sealand! (Recognize Me!)

37 4 84

Here you go
Here you go, the info for choice A
For any of the trainers that don't have 6 Pokemon on their "Pokemon" list, (not AA gym leaders) please suggest, because idek.

Sealand- New Trainer (Peter)
Pokemon: Magikrap {edit:} Wingull, Azurill
//"Wow, it's so crappy." Wendy stated, watching the giant goldfish flop around.
"Yeah, I know! That's why it's a Magikrap!"//

Wy- New Trainer (Wendy)
Pokemon: Buneary, Bounsweet
//She stood there, her brown hair wavering, as she smacked Sebastian over and over on the face.//

Seborga- Trainer (Sebastian)
Pokemon: Eevee, Dratni
//"I'll just stand here as you guys fight your way out of your life-or-death situation."
Peter snapped around, "FU- YOU."//

Iceland- Ice Type Trainer/ Training Gym Leader (Emil)
Pokemon: Whimscott, Toucannon, Lapras, Crabominable
//"I honestly don't give a fuking crap about what we do next." The pale-haired teen shrugged.
"You say that so casually." //

Hong Kong- Fire Type Trainer/Training Gym Leader (Leon)
Pokemon: Incineroar, Simisear, Pancham,
//"You want to pet the Pancham?"
Leon shrugged, "Not today."//

Taiwan- Trainer/ HK's twin sister (Mei)
Pokemon: Litten, Oricorio (Usually Sensu Style)
//"We're home!" Mei yelled, slamming open the doors of the gym, continuing to run, before slamming straight into a table, knocking tea over her, and the other two people sitting next to it.//

Latvia- Trainer (Ravis)
Pokemon: Pacirisu
//"I'm leaving the gym today." Raivis realized.
"Yeah, and when you turn 18, you can get your own Gym."//

Molassia- Trainer (Mosso)
//"Fuxk you, Fuxk you, and also, Fuxk you."//

Ladonia- New Trainer (Erland)
//"I don't care where you want to go!" Erland screamed, as his brother dragged him out of the house, leaving a chuckling Berwald.//

Kugelmugel- New Trainer/Artist (Leopold)
Pokemon: Smeargle
//"You see this? This, this is art! I have to draw this! Stop for a second!" Leopold held put a hand, and went to observe the mushroom.//

AA Region: (America and Japan have the strongest gyms, as you can probably guess)

America- Electric Type Gym Leader
Pokemon: Jolteon, Minccino, Raichu, Ampharos, Heliolisk, Minin, Plusle

England- Grass Type Gym Leader
Pokemon: Leafeon, Snubbull, Decidueye, Victreebel, Pansage, Steenee, Grovile

France- Fairy Type Gym Leader
Pokemon: Sylveon, Floette, Aromatisse, Comfey, Wigglytuff, Mimikyu, Swirlix

China- Fire Type Gym Leader
Pokemon: Flareon, Spinda, Monferno, Rapidash, Ninetales, Talonflame, Darumka

Russia- Ice Type Gym Leader
Pokemon: Glaceon, Beartic, Avalugg, Aurorus, Vanilluxe, Glacie (Marshadow visits)

Canada- Water Type Gym Leader
Pokemon: Vaporeon, Cubchoo, Psyduck, Magikrap, Gyrados, Mantine, Sealeo

Italy- Normal Type Gym Leader
Pokemon: Eevee, Ralts, Pidgeot, Delcatty, Flygon, Furret, Tauros

Japan- Psychic Type Gym Leader
Pokemon: Espeon, Cherrim, Gallade, Meowstic, Reuniclus, Chimecho, Slowbro

Germany- Dark Type Gym Leader
Pokemon: Umbreon, Shinx, Houndoom, Mightyena, Liepard, Absol, Poochyena


All of the gym leaders started with a Eevee, which would sense what type gym its trainer wanted to run, and would evolve in that way, Italy on the other hand, uh, was too busy cooing over how cute it was. All the Eevee's picked their trainer when they were in their early teens.

Russia is the only one without a companion that he caught in a pokeball. Marshadow visits him time to time, and they discuss ways to kill people. :D

Germany raises dog and cat Pokemon, basically.

The second Pokemon on each list is their on-shoulder/side-by-side companion, except for Russia.

Star Pokemon:
US: Ampharos
UK: Decidueye
FR: Mimikyu
CH: Ninetales
RU: Beartic... Sometimes he doesn't listen though
CA: Gyrados
IT: Pidgeotto
JA: Gallade
GE: Houndoom

I probably got some of the abbreviations wrong


Winter Region (Please suggest for these too)

-For these, The first Pokemon on each list is their companion-

Sweden- Ghost Type Gym Leader

Finland- Ice Type Gym Leader
Pokemon: Lilipup, Bergmite, Amaura

Norway- Psychic Type Gym Leader
Pokemon: Castform, Mismagius, Grumpig

Denmark- Ice Type Gym Leader
Pokemon: Ditto, Abomasnow, Alolan Ninetales

Ukraine- Psychic Type Gym Leader
Pokemon: Oddish, Wobbuffet

Belarus- Ghost Type Gym Leader
Pokemon: Dratini, Chandelure, Pumpkaboo

Lithuania- Grass Type Gym Leader
Pokemon: Flygon, Meganium, Luratis, Jumpluff, Torterra, Vileplume, Sawsbuck

Estonia- Ice Type Gym Leader
Pokemon: Ducklett, Glaceon, Froslass

Hi! I'm Peter Kirkland! I'm going to become the best Pokemon trainer there ever was, no matter what that jerk Arthur says! This year, I finally have a chance to get a Pokemon! I'll become the best trainer, win the AA league, and everybody will recognize me!

Big dreams kid.


You probably thought I was procrastinating on the chapter, but I was actually drawing the cover for the book
Current progress

You probably thought I was procrastinating on the chapter, but I was actually drawing the cover for the bookCurrent progress

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Ew it's weird not colored :(

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