Part Ten~ Relight My Fire

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"When you said I was back to square one with my patient, what did you mean"?

Jay let out a rough laugh "You were fucking him for ages, even ran off with him, now you've broke up but you're his therapist, bit unethical but I suppose you just can't stay away" his eyes lightened when he smiled

"This is the first time i'm meeting him" she stood up angrily "Now if you'll excuse me"

"No, seriously look, people even made fake wanted posters you know" he held out his phone "Have you hit your head or something, is that why they let you be his therapist again, to use you against him because there's no way otherwise"?

Zoya scrolled through the multiple images then looked up into the glass cabinet to see her own reflection "Doppleganger" she stuttered "I'm um, i'm not her, all this time I thought he was lying" she fell back into her chair with disbelief "God i've been so horrible to him"

He raised a brow "You sure you aren't her, you look exactly like her"

She slid her ID toward him "Late twenties, not me, but it's a cruel twist of fate, for everyone here, she was close with the Rowlan's right"? She wet her lips then shut her eyes tightly, she had no idea why she was so dissapointed with not being his wife, maybe a part of her had gotten too caught up in the attraction, but it wasn't just his good looks, it was how special he made her feel in the strangest way, she'd never had anything like it

"She was" he nodded and helped her stand up, arm firmly around her waist and nose rubbing her cheek as he looked forward he smirked "Oh Zoya, don't say such naughty things in the workplace" he admonished then stepped away from her

Zoya looked up at him, brows knitted together and her jaw gritted, what the hell was he on about? Turning her head to the side, everything suddenly made sense "Oh you are an asshole" grabbing her ID she ran up the hallway "Mr Hooda wait, wait" skidding on her feet she pushed her hand into the closing door then slid inside, shutting it with her back "That wasn't what it-"

"I've heard that one before" he waved his hand dismissing it "It doesn't matter Zoya, it's nothing to do with me" he wouldn't turn back to face her

"But it's upset you"

He laughed "You'd be lucky"

"Then why won't you look at me" turning him around by his shoulder her eyes ran over his face "I believe you now, about me looking like your wife and I can't imagine how hard that is for you, and seeing me with-"

"No" Aditya edged closer, shoulders wide and feet directly infront of hers as her back hit the wall "Seeing you with other men does not bother me, as you said, you aren't my wife so why should it matter"? He wanted it to matter to her though, he wanted her to be bothered by his lack of interest

And, she was. Her eyes narrowed, lips parted slightly, his hand was so close to touching her, his chest inches from hers. Pushing her heels to the wall she inhaled sharply "It shouldn't" she looked down at the white sweater tight against his skin and the vine like veins running up his arms and how his adam's apple bobbed when he swallowed "Then why did you storm off"?

He looked back up at her, a slow smile forming on his lips "What did you want, for me to stand and watch, voyeurism isn't my thing toots, unless" he lowered his head so his lips were by her ear "It's you touching yourself, then i'll stand and watch"

She bit back a moan "No, I just didn't want you to be hurt"

"Aw" he tapped her head "Such a good little doc aren't ya, but you don't have to worry about me, i'm a big boy and I can take care of myself, now run back to him" he shooed her away with his hand

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