10 Minutes

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Y/n's POV

I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket. When I took it out to look at it, I saw a text from my mum.

"Y/n! Where have you gone?! I've looked everywhere, and it'll be our turn to meet bts soon. Come back right now young lady!" I frowned at my phone and ignored my mums desperate text.

Yoongi looked at me and asked who had texted me. "Just my mum nagging me to tell her where I went." I told him. "Oh, so do you have to go?" Yoongi said, his face looking sadder. "Pft, no." I said. "My mum forced me to come here for my sister and I came, that should be enough." Yoongi looked up again and his face looked happier now that he knew I wasn't leaving.

Yoongi opened his mouth to speak but just as he did we heard footsteps coming closer to the door. I quickly covered Yoongi's mouth and whispered "It has to be my mum!" I quickly locked the door and turned the lights off. I gestured to Yoongi not to speak. I held my breath until they seemed to had walked away. I sighed in relief but as soon as I did, we heard violent banging on the door.

I tensed up as I heard an all too familiar voice shouting "Y/N WE KNOW YOU'RE IN THERE! COME OUT RIGHT NOW!" My bullies, specifically Charlotte, had found me! I flinched as I felt an arm grab my waist and pull me into one of the bathroom stalls. I looked up and saw that Yoongi looked really calm whereas I was freaking out because of my bullies and how close I was to Yoongi right now.

Yoongi's POV 

I could feel how tense Jess was, which confused me as the people at the door clearly weren't here for us..unless they were?

"They're not here for us why are you so tense?" I asked her. "Yoongi, they are here for us, well for me!" She told me through heavy breaths. "But they're shouting y/n." I told her. "I lied to you, my name isn't Jess it's..." 

"Y/NNNNNNNN!!!!" Charlotte shouted. "That.." She told me. I didn't mind that she had lied to me I was just wondering how long it would take for these people to leave and what they wanted with her. 

They began to threat y/n. Saying things like "IF YOU DON'T COME OUT RIGHT NOW WE WILL KILL YOU NEXT TIME WE SEE YOU!!" I saw y/n began to tear up and she suddenly grabbed hold of me and hugged me tight. I hugged her back and whispered in her ear "It's going to be ok." whilst rubbing her back..I felt so bad for her.

Y/n's POV

The banging continued for another two minutes. I was stood there crying on Yoongi's shoulder whilst he comforted me. I looked up at him and said "Yoongi t-there not going to s-stop!" He thought for a while and then told me to stay in the stall as he got a mask from his pocket and put it on. 

I was wondering what he was going to do as he walked out of the stall, turned the lights on and unlocked the door. I held my breath in fear. "What do you want?" He asked Charlotte. "Where's y/n?" She spat. "I don't know a y/n," he spat back "I'm sorry but me and my girlfriend came in here for some privacy, if you know what I mean, so if you wouldn't mind leaving that would be great." He told her. She stormed away embarrassed, followed by all her brainwashed disciples. 

I was so shocked at what he told her about....his....girlfriend? He shut the door and locked it again. "It's safe now don't worry y/n." I wearily came out of the stall with watery eyes and thanked him. "It's no big deal. So...your name? It's not Jess?" he asked me as I remembered that i'd told him. "Ah.... yes my name is actually y/n." I hesitantly told him. "Why did you lie about your name? And who were they? And what did they want with you? And-" I cut him off and decided that I had to explain everything to him. It would be hard but it had to be done. 

"Yoongi, it's a long story but we still have 10 minutes left so if you really want to hear it then.." he leant against the sink and nodded for me to continue. I took a deep breath and began..
I hope this was alright.

First sight (short Yoongi fan fic) Where stories live. Discover now