Dark Alleyways Part 1

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You had a great day at school. You had got an A on all subjects! (apart from math). You were walking out of the school gates with your closest friends. You were all discussing about people, or celebrities, or even maybe rumors spreading around your school about your favourite teacher that everyone crushes on!

 "Y/n!" called your bestfriend.

You turned around and see somebody running up to you.

"Hey b/n (bestfriends name) what you up to?" You questioned.

"WELL DONE ON YOUR GRADES!" He/she grinned at you. 

You smiled "Thanks, I guess my studying paid off" 

"Yeah, man I wish I studied, probably to much Instagram " replied your bestfriend.

You invited your b/f to come walk with you with your other group of friends. He/she nodded in response and walked with you.

********You are discussing with your fridnds stuff that you like********

The further you went, the more your friends disappeared one by one inside their houses. Until you were left with this annoying girl. She thought she was the best in the class. Tch. Yeah right everyone hated her or just ignored her, you did both. As you both were walking towards your homes she started blabbering on about her sister and how her sister is a role-model of the school. You replied back at everything she said...with sarcasm.

"Well my house is righr here, bye y/n!" Said the annoying girl.

"Bye" you shot back.

"Bitch..." you muttered under your breath. 

You hated her deep down the gut. You just wanted to snap her neck. Well I bet eveyone else would want to do the same, but no, if you do it you would be caught by the police.


You strolled down the block, thinking about what movie to watch on Netflix tonight.






You continued walking but then decided to cut the long way and walk the short way, as you weren't with any friends.

You went to walk down a dark alleyway.

And you were so naive that you forgot, completely forgot, about tons of ghouls hanging around your area, (where you live).

You lived in the 13th ward, which was cramped with many ghouls, but it's just too hard to recognise a ghoul, as they look like humans and that stuff.

Well back to being completely clueless, and dumb...

You walk down that alleyway...

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