But true

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What dictates the heart?
What dictates your mind?
Your heart says, love...
Your mind tells me not to laugh...
There are many questions...
There is a lot of burdens...
Lots of life...
Strike down...
Lots of pain...
Both hearts are broken...
They do not believe in fairy tales...
They can not see the future...
Plans...Drive...Hard hearts...
Just ahead!
Because taught the life...
Girl, someone fought for another life...
Boy, for your dreams, he fought for himself...
Both of them were judges, executioner...
But fate brought them to them,
to make these two lonely hearts
She can fight for a beautiful love again...
He can again fight for a common future...
And fate smiles silently because again it has given meaning to two sad hearts...
So you get one from two...
Tell me, really so bad it?
But true...  

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