An Eventful Sunday

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In the next chapter I'll do a recap!!!

Song for this chapter: Mi Gente (feat. Beyonce)

Angel's POV

I wake up to my mom playing music meaning it's Sunday and since I'm not up earlier than usual helping her. It means it's cleaning all day today to prepare for the upcoming week. I throw on some joggers and a shirt and of course shoes. I go in the bathroom and do everything I need too. I text Aaron "good morning, babe" and then I notice Darius didn't text me back last night. So I slip out my house for a quick second and head to Darius's. His mom answer's the door and we talk for a bit and I ask "is Darius up yet?" she replies "no sweetheart" so I grab some ice- put it in a bucket and head to Darius room.

I bust in his room and drop the ice on him and it scares the shit out of him which I laugh at and shocked by that this boy is naked. His body on full display, and my eyes trail down to what I hope was a remote or a ice cube- but it was not. I gotta say the boy got game, if you know what I mean.

I rapidly run out the door and start laughing like crazy, I yell to see if he has on clothes and he has on boxers- which he still looks good in but he's still a friend. So I start yelling some more until he gets some clothes on. After a few minutes I come in and we both check our phones, and then their's a silence between us.

I ask why he'd been avoiding me and he said "you've done nothing wrong, you never can". I give him a hug even though he's sweaty but he doesn't hug me back. Instead he stands up and wraps his around me and I do the same. And moments like this I absolutely adore, because at some point and time I did have feelings for him.

But that's on the back burner for now. We let go of the hug and now we joke around for a bit and so I notice his knuckles are red and swollen. So I ask the obvious as to why?. He has never lied to me so I hope he doesn't start now, he says "I punched Aaron, because he did something stupid, you should ask him why". I hold his bruised hand and apologize on behalf of Aaron, I give Darius a kiss on the cheek and then I leave. But when I look back he stares with something I've never seen at least coming from him.

I go to Aaron's house and he got a big knot coming out the side of his face and a bit of an bruised eye. Whatever he did, it must've hurt Darius pretty bad. He invites me in and I tell him I just left Darius's and his eyes big-gen. He says "did Darius say anything crazy or negative?" and I reply "no he just mentioned you did something incredibly hurtful". Aaron sighs real hard like he was holding his breathe off of my answer given. I ask the elephant of a question......

Angel: "What did you do?"

Aaron:"I cheated"

Angel: "Like on a video game"

Aaron: " No, like I've been texting this other girl from this girl for a while now and I kissed her in the park, and Darius was there and he met her and then punched me for it- that type of cheating" .

I don't know what to do so I walk out and run as fast as I can home, I know he's behind me but I don't care. I lock my door, I tell my mom to not open the door to Darius or Aaron and I go in my room. I text Darius and say "He told me what happened and thank you". My phone blows up all night long but I couldn't care less, I put on do not disturb-- put on my sad/ depressed playlist and go to sleep.

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