The Move

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Before we go to the move let me explain a bit. Technically I was a mess one, I had to push my celebration of my birthday as we were moving the next month. Quite literally my birthday is the 14th and we moved the 12 the next month. I was okay with it cause I knew we needed somewhere new. The only fear I had was not being liked in my new school. To tell you personally and its hard to make public but its part of the story. My apartment had a big yard and along the tree line to the right is a house.

That was my back store neighbors lets call them George and Lisa. They were not old but not young along the lines as of, they were like grandparents to me. Then thing turned south it was slow at first. I could tell we were losing George but I didn't want to admit to it. I knew him since I was 3 and it broke my heart that physically he existed. Though we knew mentally he was gone a long time ago. He would of never hurt any of us and he did. That's when we knew we lost him and it broke my heart. Though he did thing I knew it wasn't him and I still miss him to this day.

Here comes the personal part. A bit before we where going to move and I knew about it and I can quite literally remember this day. I don't think I can forget it. My body woke me up at a weird time like I had a feeling something was wrong but I couldn't pin it. Then my parents told me that Lisa called during the night and said George accidentally stabbed himself. At this point I wouldn't doubt him doing that he wasn't himself. Yet I was so confused why they went to court because he passed away at the hospital. Of course when I herd the news I broke into tears. I knew I lost him before but the feeling of him fully gone is a feeling I will never forget. To find out that he didn't stab himself she stabbed him and went to jail for second degree murder.


Now you see why the move was so perfect. There couldn't of been better timing. My room was basically the same size though in a different way. Less height more room which is good but bad. I have a loft bed that can lift and give me more room. With the ceiling being so low and well my bed being for a kid technically it wouldn't be able to hold me. Believe me I tried, my wall payed for it. I felt odd cause like any person who moves you expect them to be nervous. For some reason I wasn't though, I was ready to meet new people and have a home. A space that I would be happy to have people over.

Both my brother were nervous. So why wasn't I? The neighborhood was so welcoming to mad a couple friends and had fun times. Had a park across the street and a bonfire pit in the front yard. I believe I was so calm because of him though like he was telling me it was a good thing. It was a good thing I found out my best friend wasn't as good as a friend as I thought she was. Ash as I explained earlier made excuses not to hang out or see me most of them being planning her parents wedding. I know its time consuming. Though it was every time and she could of found time for me she didn't want to and I realized that.


My first year though I thought I wouldn't have a chance for I wanted to do at my old school cause I was new. There would be no way I could do the musical which is one things I dreamed of doing since I started singing. Which was at age three, along time I know. Some how though when I auditioned I felt I would get a part but not the part I did end up getting. First year at a school where the choir teacher new every kid and how good they where. The new girl got a lead role and a solo with a special way to do it.

Wow, I could remember where the scene of my solo was the character saying her goodbyes. They sat in the front of the stage and I did my solo the other guy did his part and I walked around as we all sang. They had the choice to give me a fist bump, hand shake, or a hug. At this point I thought I get few hugs, I mean they barely knew me. So when I got so many hugs it gave me so much strength. When we did the show in front of the audience I remember myself getting tensed the closer it came to my solo. The I felt myself just relax with no one telling me I got this I mean I didn't really have many friends. My favorite part is how loud the crowed cheered when me and the guy came on stage. I would never imagine the crowd being loud for me. The compliments after got me going too cause these parents didn't know me yet every single one loved my voice and how I portrayed my character and the scene. I loved playing her too it was so much fun going out of my comfort zone. Also blowing the heads of off everyone when they herd me sing.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 30, 2019 ⏰

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