Swirly Ceremony🌀

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"First, you must shed all the traces of your former bully run in" Alex said

"Sorry again, Huh?" Grayson said

"You must strip off those shameful undies!" Jaxon yelled

Grayson tensed up.

"Oh, um, okay...."

Grayson was scared of being hurt anymore by Alex and Jaxon, and he already exposed himself what's one more time.

Grayson unbuttoned his black slacks and let them fall to the floor around his ankle. He took off his shoes and slid his pants off and threw them to the side of the bathroom.

Grayson was just in his black blazer,white t-shirt, maroon and gold tie, and "his" TW's.

"Faster Nerd! We don't have all day!" Alex yelled

"Yeah your telling me" Grayson mumbled under his breath.

Slowly but surely Grayson removed the TW's and let his willie hang out in the open.

Alex and Jaxon stayed laughing like hyenas, pointing and laughing at Grayson's tiny pecker.

"This is bullshit, I'm out of here!" Grayson said angrily

With lightning reflexes, Alex grabbed Grayson's clothes and Jaxon pushed Grayson back on to the floor.

Alex threw Grayson's clothes into the full garbage can and snatch the TW's from Grayson.

"Ugh, Look Jaxon, looks like someone doesn't wipe well!" Alex said disgusted by the skid mark inside of Grayson's TW's.

"Ew, dude ever heard of toilet paper!?" Jaxon commented

Grayson felt his cheeks turn red as he felt more and more embarrassed.

"Next, we shall rid these tainted undies of their recent wedgie...through gas!" Alex yelled

Alex then shoved "Grayson's" TW's down the back of his black slacks and began farting all over them. Alex then handed them to Jaxon who did the same thing.

"Oh, those bean burritos we're definitely expired or something with what I'm smelling" Jaxon said

Jaxon then removed the undies from his slacks and crept onto Grayson...

"Wait...What...Hold on..."

"Now let the Nerd be reintroduced to the true smell of power! Alex yelled

Jaxon without hesitation, put the smelly undies over Grayson's face with the butt region directly on Grayson's nose. Forcing him not only the smell of Jaxon and Alex's farts but of his skid mark as well.

Grayson felt absolutely sick. He reached to take them off his face to relieve of his stinky prison, but was stopped by two powerful hands.

"Now Nerd, Deeply inhale! Or else!" Alex yelled

"Don't tell anyone what we do! Or else!"

Those words "or else" struck fear into Grayson enough for him to....


Immediately Grayson starting coughing and gagging. It smelled of weeks of dirty diapers mixed with expired milk and even had a pungent taste of old dirty laundry,

Blinded by the fabric of the underwear and smell of them, Grayson hoped it was all over.

But Grayson was hoisted up and dragged in front of the toilet.

"Oh no" Grayson began to fill his eyes with tears.

"And finally we end this beautiful ceremony with..."

Jaxon lifted up Grayson's underwear so they were still on his head just not covering his face to reveal, a piss covered and filled toilet.

"The Lemonade Swirly!" Alex announced

"Whatever! Let's just get this over-" Grayson started saying before being dunk and swirled in the toilet.

Alex and Jaxon really waited before flushing the toilet so Grayson could enjoy tasting the old urine.

After what felt like forever, Alex and Jaxon put Grayson back on the cold, sticky, wet floor.

Alex crouched next to Grayson, "Next time geek, fix your underwear so we don't do this again."

Both Alex and Jaxon took a hard smack at my exposed and vulnerable ass, before laughing out the door.

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