Chapter 6-Bathroom

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Lauren's POV


It didn't take long before I follow Ms. Cabello after she left me in the hallway to led me to Principal Jone's office. She didn't spoke a word to me when we entered the principal's office. She left me there after making sure that I won't ditch Principal Jones. Lucky for me I only got a verbal reprimand. It's a perk being an Jauregui (smirk emoji) and being witty.

Principal Jones handed me an excuse slip because for sure I was late for my next subject which is world literature. I kinda enjoy literature because well, it looks like it's not my thing but I love reading books.

When I got in front of the classroom, I nocked two times before I enter and just what I am expecting, all eyes on me. I just shrugged and smirked. Having this kind of attention is not new to me. I scanned the room not bothering to pay attention to guys and well girls ogling at me. Soon I found my girls. I waved to them and walked like everything is in slow motion. I was feeling the moment when somebody clears their throat. I snapped from where it came and I saw none other than Camila Cabello. C'mon can someone give me a break? I'm tired of seeing her face. It make me sick now, she's in like everywhere! Ugh!
"Can you hand me your excuse slip Ms. Jauregui?" She said while standing in front of the class. Her things is in the teacher's table.Freaking teachers pet.
I rolled my eyes and speed walked towards her. I handed her the slip and asked in a whisper yell "what are you doing?"she just smiled and fixed her eye glasses before saying "Good Morning Everyone, as you can see Mrs. Lopez is not around because she got an emergency..." and everybody cheered. "But not to ruin the fun, I'm here to assist you guys with your activity today. Mrs. Lopez asked me to watch everybody while you guys work on your group activity that I believe she assigned last week..." and then everyone cheered again. "But before anything else, as you can see you guys have a new classmate. So without anymore delays because the clock is ticking, Ms. Jauregui can you introduce your self please." She said looking directly at me. I don't know but I kinda feel nervous.

"Well I am..." "Hoooooho! C'mon Lauser you can do it" Dinah fucking Jane interrupted me and everybody cheered me to.

"Quite please...Ms. Hansen" Camilla gave Dinah the look and Dinah shut up like a loser puppy. I almost laugh at her. Dang this Ms. President is so extra. "Please continue Ms. Jauregui" she said while everybody's attention is again with me.

"As what I'am saying a while ago, I'm Lauren Michelle Jauregui and before you ask yes I am Mike and Clara Jauregui's eldest child. I transferred here from New Jersey...and I guess I'm cool if you are. Thank you and it's nice meeting y'all." I finished the boring introduction but I'm sure though it's boring I got everybody's attention except for my best friends who's just looking at me smirking and well Ms. Cabello who's seemed uninterested.

"Okay. Is that all Ms. Jauregui?" She said uninterested.

"Yeah" I respond with the most bored voice that I have.

"Okay. Thank please take a seat" she said. I didn't respond. I scanned the room I looked at my best friends but some red hair chick occupied the next seat next to Vero. I came over to them plastering my killer smile that of course directed to the red hair chick.

"Hello pretty" I greeted her.

"Uhm Hi.." she said nervously. Huh! the Jauregui effect.

"Can I have a favor please?" I asked her.

"Sure..."She said while scanning my body.

"Can I take your seat please..." I husked as I bend to whisper into her ear.

"Sure no problem, anything for you babe.."she also husked. I smirked. She quickly stand up and got her bag to find a new seat. "See you around?" she said while biting her lips. Damn.

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