Chapter 3

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      -so heartless!!!..why am I the one he teases, why!!!-....

It's been a week since yoongi has been here and he continues to anger me every day, there's no escape from him because he's in almost every class I have. Jimin waved his hand in front of my face
"Layla?...hey Layla!..Layla wake up!!" I snap out of my trance and look at jungkook, Jimin and xiyeon.
"Huh?, oh sorry guys..guess I zoned out again"
"Why, What were you thinking about?" Jimin asked me And i was about to awnser until I head a familiar voice whispering so huskily
"Aren't you a little player, getting 2 guys and a girl to use up" I shiver, I finally realized who that voice belong too and I turned around to face his glowing face
"Go away yoongi no one asked you to be here!" He only chuckled and sat down next to me and started talking to my friends. Since all of them where friends already and I couldn't stand another second breathing the same air as him. I stood up and I was going to leave when I felt a arm wrap around my waist, my cheeks turned pink and I realized that yoongi was holding my waist. He pulled me back down. My friends all just smirked at me and snickered, yoongi's arm was still around my waist. I tried to take his arm off of my waist but it was no use, he was using his strength to keep his arm there.
                 "Aishh!, so annoying..let me go yoongi!"
                 "I'm older than you so you should respect me!" He coldly said
                  "I'm not respecting someone who doesn't respect me!!"
                   "You should respect me." He tightened his grip around my waist and it started to hurt
                   Xiyeon, Jimin and Jungkook started to laugh at us meanwhile the people surrounding us started to stare.
                   "I told you already, I'm not respecting an a-" I felt a stinging pain on my cheek, my friends stopped laughing and looked rather shocked. I soon realized what happened. He slapped me hard, it hurts so much that I winced and whimpered in pain
                   "Wh-..WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU!!!!!" I pushed him but he didn't move for one bit and just smirked
                  "Start respecting me Layla" i sighed and nodded "yes.....oppa"
                  "Good" he let's go of my waist and I get up, running out the cafeteria while crying. 'So he's my bully now...god, why me!?!?!' I felt someone's hand on my shoulder and turned around. It was baekhyun 
              "Hey, what's wrong layla?"
              "Yo-yoongi slapped me"
              "God That boy, it's been a couple days and he's already hurting somebody"
               I nod, he hugged me as I broke down and cried on his shoulder

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