Kaori: how bad could it possibly be? *shrugs and looks for episode one online*
Tetsu: well if it's a dare. *crosses arms and sits on the couch*
Asuka: I brought to popcorn *plops down with a bowl of popcorn*
Kaori: found it *sits down and presses play*
*a few minutes into the movie*
Asuka: this is so- ah what!!? *chokes on popcorn*
Tetsu: what is that?! DX
Kaori: my eyes!!!!
*show ends*
Tetsu: *sitting the opposite direction* I can't unsee that...
Asuka: goodbye childhood... O.O
Kaori: *sitting in the corner* never make us watch that again!
Tally: *flies in* what I miss.
Admin: we may have a special guest next time.