Chapter 1

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When you are late, whole world seems to join on a mission to make it even more late. Suhana was annoyed looking at the traffic. Even though she woke up early, her mother and grand mother caught her early in the morning to discuss about the new marriage proposal. She was fed up with this whole marriage fiasco. She was just 23 years and her family was seeing her like a 40 year old single lady.

She looked at the number of vehicles ahead of her and the continuous beeping of horns. She have an important presentation at 10.30 am. It was already past 9 and she have to be at university before 10 am. But by looking at the traffic she was in dilemma whether she will make it on time or not. She was simply looking around when she saw a narrow space between the vehicles. Suddenly an idea clicked her mind and she started to ride her scooty in between the space.

She managed to cross few vehicles and reach closer to the signal. While moving further, she accidentally hit the car ahead. She looked at the driver who rolled the window down, possibly to yell at her. She thought to apologise beforehand and save herself from being humiliated in the middle of the traffic. Her eyes went at the person sitting in the back seat but she couldn't see his face properly because of the driver. She could only see the sunglasses covering his eyes and his perfectly set black hair. She was about to apologize but the signal turned green and the vehicles behind started blowing horns. With so much noise in the background, she just held her right ear in apologetic way and drove away as she was getting late.

Little did she know that the accidental bump was not just mere coincidence but it was their destiny which was trying to align their destination.


It was exactly 10 when she reached the university. She is a lecturer by profession. She mostly took classes for M. C. A students and for final year undergraduates. The university was organizing a two days seminar on Computer programming and many colleges of the city were invited. Suhana was one of the members of the organizing committee and she was incharge of planning the whole event. She have a meeting due in few minutes with the Dean and other members of the organising committee where she would be presenting the outline of how the event will be structured in a timely manner.

After punching the biometry for attendance, she directly moved to the conference room to do the preparations. She along with the assistance of the attendant set-up the projector and computer. It was 10.30 am and everyone gathered in the conference room. Suhana began with her presentation and gave the details of the programs to be conducted for the seminar. After finishing, she asked others for their opinions and views so she can add or change them accordingly.

The meeting went on till 12 pm and finally everything was planned for the seminar which will be held in the coming week. Once done she moved to the staff room to relax for a while. She has classes scheduled at 2 p.m. She offered her Zuhr(afternoon) prayer and had her lunch. There was still 15 minutes left for her class to begin. She went through the slides in her laptop and referred few books before her lecture. She had back to back two classes till 4 p.m.

The time passed by and it was time to head back home. Suhana was sitting in the staff room not wanting to go back home. She was pissed off with the wedding topic. She wanted to be left alone so she can relax her mind. She leaned her head on the chair and closed her eyes. Suddenly she remembered the morning incident when she hit the car and didn't even apologise properly to that person. She was hoping that the person would forgive her for the unintentional mistake.

She looked at her watch which displayed 4.30 pm. Dejected she got up from her seat and packed her stuff. They won't be much traffic at this time and she would reach home early which added to her irritation. She wanted to go late so she can delay the discussion of the ongoing marriage topic at her home.

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