Your little savior

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《¡¡Arachnophobia warning!! Read at your own risk!》

You woke up in a dark room, nothing new. You remember being in the exact place. Maybe you were going couldn't haven't been in captivity for too long, it hasn't been that couldn't of been that long.

You force yourself to look around the room, your eyes landing on chains. You look down...collar.

You guessed that was not a good sign, but you didn't have the energy to freak out about it. Sighing, you shift around and lower your shoulders to pop your joints.

You suddenly heard a tap. You looked down and spotted a small purple... spider..thing. it had a sweet scent of a bakery and didn't look very threatening.

It's eyes went to your cheek.. It noticed you had an inky purple bruise forming on your cheek. A handprint bruise. You'd been slapped. You didn't really mind it anymore, but you could definitely feel the pain. She crawled to you and gently placed her pedipalps on your cheek.

You felt a stinging sensation, then you couldn't feel any pain at all. She backed away and offered the best smile she could. It would have been creepy for any other spider...but she had a cartoon-ish way of doing things. She pointed to a metal opening you didn't even know was was on the ceiling. You looked around for anything else. The spider ran under the bed. You took the hint, looking under and seeing a foldable ladder being constructed by other spiders. When they noticed you had seen them, they scattered and went into the cracks of the walls..

"Okay, spider thing. Thank you for helping me!"

You said with Glee.

Your spider friend quickly crawling onto your shoulder. You guessed she was coming with you. You didn't care for that either, you knew she would be of help. You took out the ladder and unfolded it quickly, placing it down and climbing up. The steps were slightly sticky from the silk, and they dipped slightly under your weight.

Your hands fiddled with the window for a bit, before you could finally open it. Yes. It was open. You climbed out and found yourself in the middle of were in a cellar.. the cellar being located in a large field. This couldn't be good.

It's never good.

Your eyes scanned with haste, a low growl being soon realized it was yourself. But..where did it come from? The sound went silent, until the dying hunger hit you like a hurricane hits a small shack. You were so hungry, it came to the point it was painful.

A low groan escaped your chapped lips. The spider gently caressed your cheek with her right leg. She was focused on the setting in front of her..she knew where you were.

"...You're not safe here..."

You looked at her, your eyes glazing over with a wild look of confusion. Did she just talk?

"We need to go. Now."

You nodded and thrusted yourself out of the hole. She inhaled sharply, letting a clicking sound escape her mouth. You were confused...until you saw many spiders crawling at you. You were startled, VERY startled. Lifting your foot to stomp before-

"NO! Don't!"

You stopped immediately, looking at the spider on your shoulder again. You looked even more confused, and you could tell it made her let out a little sigh.

"They are here to help, okay?"

"Wait... spiders? What can spiders do to help me? You should be glad I don't have Arachnophobia."

She shook her head and blinked with her eight glowing eyes, smiling at you before chirping out another commandto the awaiting spiders.

The spiders crawled around your torso, placing themselves down and huddling around you. You looked down and saw what looked like a shirt made of spiders.... Because it actually was made out of spiders. You felt slightly warmer, but not by much...they were small, so it made sense. You looked up at her and smiled with a bright grin. She nodded to you, her smile showing to you as well. You now began weren't sure how you'd get to society....but you knew it had to be Soon. Very soon.

You made your way through the grass and fields, seeing lights in the background. It had felt like days of walking,, when in all reality you ha dprobably walked for around 3 hours. The sight of society made you squeal with glee, starting to Sprint to was indeed a small town. Not your town, but it was a start.

You panted and smiled widely. You'd be safe. You just had to be.

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