Happy Royal Family

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I laughed as I watched Louis run around with John as I held Marith in my arms. 

"Hey Mary," Francis said as he walked up and gently placed his hands around my waist. "How's Marith?"

"She's sleeping right now," I responded, looking at my beautiful daughter. I couldn't be happier with how she has turned out.

"Mommy!" Louis yelled running up to me.

"Shh, your sister is sleeping,"  I hushed him.

"Oh, sorry Marith," He said. "Can I hold her?"

"You are too small... sorry Louis, I don't want you to drop her when she's only 1 and a half."

"Okay. Next baby?"

"Sure," I laughed.

"Speaking of babies..." Francis said, leaning close to my ear.

"Not here. It's our son's birthday party." I nudged him. He got the message and backed away a little, laughing.

"It was worth a try." He smiled, clearly enjoying himself and not because it was our first son's 5th birthday.

"Bye mommy, I'm gonna go play with John!"


"I see your children are happy," Bash said as he approached us. "Mind if I hold Marith?"

"Sure," I said, putting her in his open arms. "She is so small, I can't believe she is almost 2, it felt like so short ago she was born."

"Time goes by fast," I told him, looking around me at a happy castle. I wished it could always be like this, but I knew it couldn't since I was queen.

"It sure does..." I said, suddenly feeling dizzy and nauseous.

"Mary? Are you okay?" Francis asked worriedly. I couldn't answer as nausea got worse. I didn't want to puke in front of the kids or castle. 

"Would you mind taking care of Marith? I am gonna take her to the doctor. Tell everyone we will be back, just needed to deal with some business." Francis told Bash.

"What about  Louis, you promised no politics," Bash asked.

"Just tell him that I had to take care of his mother," He said and finally started leading me to the doctor. The nausea was so bad and all I wanted to do was puke, but I had to look strong, so I straightened my back and acted as normal as I could while walking through the castle. 

It felt like forever when we finally arrived at his room and knocked on the door.

"Oh, your highnesses. What is wrong?"

"Its Mary..." Francis said, looking at me.

"I feel... dizzy and weak... and... I'm- I'm gonna puke..." I said, rushing in, trying to find something to puke in. Luckily, the doctor got the message and brought me a bucket.

"Thank you," I said after I was done.

"Its fine," He said before leading me to the bed so he could examine me.

"If my suspicions are correct, she is pregnant again."

"Really?" Francis and I exclaimed together.

"Yes," He said as Francis and I locked eyes. "I will leave you two, just leave whenever you feel better."

"Another child..."

"Yeah..." Francis responded, grabbing my face and kissing me. "One big happy royal family."

The end. Thank you so much for reading. I really enjoyed writing this fanfiction, but have also run out of ideas to continue the story so I decided to wrap it up here. I hope you enjoyed and check out some of my other fics! 

Also, stay safe and healthy with everything happening in the world right now! I am currently home from school rn and it sucks to have my senior year sucked away from me and possibly losing my job soon. I hope you are all doing well, even if it sucks. We will get past this, heads up high!

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