Seven ~ Coexistence

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Seven ~ Coexistence

A loud buzzing interrupted my dream about winning a swimming competition. Rummaging under the covers, I made contact with my phone and glanced at the caller ID before answering.

"You're such a bad influence," Mia said with a groan. "I've got the worst hangover in the world."

Disorientated, I sat up and winced at the pain that shot through my head. On the bedside table stood a pint glass of water, almost empty, and some crumbs on a plate.

"On the plus side," Mia continued, "I passed out before I sent any inappropriate messages, so at least being that level of wasted has some advantages."

"Oh, shit."

The mention of inappropriate messages jogged my memory, and last night came flooding back to me. My eyes squeezed shut in horror, as if that would force the recollection to disappear.

"Are you okay?"

"God, Mia... I tried to seduce Brent last night..."

Silence, then a splutter of laughter followed by a moan. "Oh, please don't make me laugh—my head hurts."

"I wish it were funny!" I slid out of bed, then inched my door open to peer both ways down the corridor. With no sign of Mum, I retreated into my bedroom and shut the door again. "What was I thinking?"

"You were drunk. Everyone does stupid things when they're drunk. I know you and Brent don't get along, but he's hot, so it isn't completely ridiculous. Why was he even there?"

"I was on the beach using my phone as a torch, and he saw the light."

Mia tutted. "This is what I mean by him not being able to stop with the lifeguarding."

I wandered onto my balcony and stared across the beach. Although too far away to tell if he was at his post, he'd be there somewhere. At least I had an excuse not to go down today. With my sore head, the last thing I needed was to sit out in the sun and further dehydrate myself.

"I don't know what's worse," I said, coming back into my room and reclining on the bed. "The fact I tried to seduce him or the fact he rejected me."

"It'll be okay. He's not such a bad guy; you two just have a personality clash. He'll have realised you were drunk and not genuinely interested in making sweet love with him."

"I'm already hungover, so if you keep using phrases like making sweet love, then I really will throw up."

"You have to see the funny side, Rose. It's the only way to deal with it. Avoiding him will make it more awkward. If you don't act awkward, he won't act awkward and it will never be spoken of again."

I sighed. "I don't have experience with this. I've never had a one-night stand. I was just so drunk, and I wanted the company and..."

"Do you want me to talk to him? I can gauge his opinion on the whole thing for you?"

It would have been easy to take her up on that offer, but I didn't want to appear a coward. I was the one who'd been stupid enough to invite him in, so I was the one who should face the consequences.

Our conversation ended shortly afterwards so Mia could go back to bed and try to sleep off the hangover. After discussing Brent, the guilt had surfaced again. I hadn't technically done anything, but I must have intended to, otherwise I never would have suggested it. Just because Alastair had messed around, it didn't make it right for me to do the same.

I booted up my laptop and saw the green dot next to his Skype name. My finger hovered over the Video Call button, trying to calculate the time difference, before I clicked.

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