What You Don't Know // Part 1

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The impala's engine roared loudly as you sat in the back seat, the cold leather chilling your bare legs, your curly dark red hair bounced with the bumps in the road. As time progressed, the engine was the only sound, both of the Winchester's minds were busy attempting wrap their head around the bomb that was just dropped on them. You were the only daughter of a powerful witch an even more powerful pain in the ass for them; Rowena.


"You know me." You broke the silence, Dean's electric eyes snapped to the rearview mirror, glaring into it to you, Sam turned his head, tucking his long brown hair behind his ear, clearing the path to look at you. "I'm not like her...or Crowley. I'm good! I use my powers for good." Your voice cracked slightly, you cleared your throat and broke the gaze deep into Dean's eyes.

"You didn't think to tell us that Rowena is your mother?" Dean's voice boomed from his seat, overcoming the engine. "That makes you Crowley's little sister, Y/N!" His grip on the steering wheel tightened, his knuckles turning white.

Sam's eyebrows furrowed, his lips parted to speak, "Y/N, we know that you are good—" Dean gave his little brother an intense side eye before returning to the road, "How many times has she helped us Dean?" He paused, shaking his head, "I mean, she helped us stop Crowley, put Lucifer back into the cage...She helped me, you...She's not like the other witches."

"And she'll do anything for her family..." Dean's voice errupted.

"You are my family, Dean. You and Sam mean the literal world to me. Crowley and Rowena might be blood but—" the love that you held captive within your threatened to escape as it broke but, you stopped yourself, "Forget it..." The occasional streetlight illuminating his skin, allowing your eyes to scroll over the contours of his face, memorizing him, this was it. Your sudden silence made Dean nervous, his eyes returned to the back seat to find it empty.

"Y/N?!" He shouted, slamming on the breaks, sending the tires to a screeching stop.

"Dean?" Sam asked in reaction, his voice thick with concern, his eyes followed his brothers to where he expected you to be, but you weren't there. "Y/N!"

As soon as the car stopped in the middle of the road, Dean ran out, his body turning, his eyes desperately trying to find you, his heart pounded in his chest, his focus was only on the pain that he felt in his heart; realizing the last words he spoke to you were so cold and harsh, not like the actual feeling he hid from everyone. He could hear Sam's voice, muffed in the background yelling your name.

"Y/N!" Sam yelled into his cupped hands

"She's gone, Sam. It's no use." His chest tightened to his words.

Sam shook his head, "Maybe Cas can help us find her...Crowley even..." Before Sam could even finish his sentence, Dean's fist clenched his little brothers shirt tightly and pointed into the distance, his eyes wide, the thick black smoke rushing towards them.


"We've been looking for something to stop Amara for weeks, Sam." Dean slammed another old book shut and rubbed his hands over his tired face. "Nothing we can do is going to stop her." He paused, raising the small glass cup to his lips, "We need her."


"I have all of my demons out there trying to find Mother...I have the Winchester's breathing down my neck, Squirrel sulking every time I see him and Moose—" You looked to your brother, peaking your interest with the mention of Dean Winchester.

"What do you mean?" You asked, "Are they okay?" your inquiry validating your admiration for Dean.

"They are fine, for now at least...Since you left unannounced and haven't showed any trace of life to the idiots they don't know what to do."

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