What You Don't Know // Part 2

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The last time you saw Dean Winchester you had just told them that you weren't just a hunter, but a witch, but as if that wasn't enough; you were the daughter of one of the most powerful witches the world would ever have in it's history. With that being how the two of you left off, you expected Dean to be mad at you and to glare at you with intense hatred but instead, much to your surprise, his face softened, his eyes expressed relief and sorrow at the same time. His lip quivered as he spoke, "Y/N?" He questioned.

"Hi, Dean." You smiled, your eyes began to water, it was the first time you had seen him in almost a year. "Sammy." You raised your hand slightly, he nodded, shock dominating his face.

Dean took swift strides towards you before you could react his large body embraced you, his familiar scent encasing you, you easily found comfort within it and melted into him, your arms wrapped around his broad shoulders. He whimpered into your neck, his hand tangled in your hair. "Don't. Leave. Me. Again." He spoke clearly into your ear, "You hear me?"

Your head nodded rapidly into his chest, he reluctantly released you from his tight embrace.

Sam walked over to you, a signature smirk on his face, "Hey, Y/N. It'd good to have you back."

You hugged the taller Winchester closely, "I missed you guys."

"I am sorry to interrupt this little love fest that is going on but I found where Mother has been lurking." Crowley appeared suddenly.

"Where is she?" Dean's deep voice cut through the cold air.

"Amara." You and your brother spoke at the same time, all of the others glared at you expressively.

"Wait, Y/N. How did you know that Rowena is with Amara?" Sam said pushing his eyebrows together and tucking a stray strand behind his ear.

"I have something to tell you guys..."


"If I'm a nephilum, that means my father was an angel..." Chuck stared back at you, your surroundings still frozen in time. "Who?"

"I can't tell you that, Y/N." He denied you immediately, he cut you off before you even began to question him again, "All in good time, Y/N. You will know when it is necessary." He sighed. "Look, I locked away all of your memories to protect you because some of my children are still angry that I've been MIA for quite some time and they will go against my wishes...leading to the end of your existence because you are a nephilum." He continued, knowing all of your questions before you even asked them.

"Okay. Fair enough; thank you..." He winked at you.


"I thought that wasn't possible." Dean said in disbelief.

"Well, Dean when two people love each other very much—" Crowley said smugly.

You snapped your fingers and Crowley's voice was gone, his mouth moved in protest, yet nothing came out, you smiled contently.

"You have got to teach me how to do that!" He expressed in amusement.

"He said that he took my memory of it to protect me from the rogue angels that would come after me if they knew what I really am, so..." you explained. "He said that he knew that I would do good...we would do good." You said burrowing your eyes deep into Dean's, indicating extra to him; he raised his eyebrows at the inference you suggested.


"You're a what?!" Rowena exclaimed, fire burning in her eyes. You nodded your head, not knowing what else to say; really there wasn't much else that you could tell her because that was all that you knew.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 29, 2019 ⏰

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