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I was walking down his hallway and it was dark because I didn't turn the light on. I was walking and I slipped on something and I fell down the stairs.

Y/n P.O.V

"Y/N!!!" Alex yelled.
"Alex. . Come help" I cried.

I heard him jump off his bed and he ran in the hallway and saw me laying at the end of the stairs.

Her runs down them and he helps me then he was trying to bring me up the stairs but it was hard so he picked me up then brought me to his room.

"What happened" he ask laying me down on his bed.
"I was walking through your hallway and forgot to turn your light on and I walked past the stairs and tripped on something and fell down them" I said hurting.
"What hurts" he asked worried.
"Well my arm hurts but I can move it so it's not sprained or broken but my ankle hurts really bad" I say grinding my teeth.
"Well I have to take you to the doctor" he says running my arm.
" yeah I think so" I said "right now?" I asked.
" yeah I mean we have to because you could of either broke or sprained your ankle" he said.
"Ok we can leave" I said sitting up carefully.
"Stay here I'll get your sandals" he said running out his bedroom door.


"Here I'll put it on you" he said .

Her slips one on my left foot and the other on my right foot but he is careful because that is the one that hurts.

... skip to the hospital.

We walk in then they get a wheelchair for me to sit in then they brought me in a room to check me and and see if my ankle is broken or sprained.

"So we are just gonna X-Ray your ankle to see what is wrong with it" the doctor said.
"Okay perfect" I said .
"Is this your boyfriend" she ask while x-raying my ankle.
"Oh no, he is my best friend" I said smiling .
"Oh well your lucky to have him" the doctor smiled.
"I sure am" I said looking at Alex.

... After the X-Ray

"So we have the results and y/n you sprained your ankle so we are gonna put a cast on it but the best thing for you to do is rest take ibuprofen if you have pain and try to not do anything physically just yet" the doctor said. "Will try not to" Alex said smiling.

They wrapped a cast on me and gave me crutches so Alex wouldn't have to carry me. They let an go after signing out and we went to my house.

"Here I got you" Alex says running to help me get out of his car.
"I'm fine Alex, it's not like it's severe or anything" I giggle while he helps.
"I know" he said walking me in my house into my room.
"I should be better by next week" I said sitting in the edge of my bed.
"Well i should leave" Alex said.
"No stay . . . well thats if you want to" i suggested.
"Ok sure" he said texting his mom.
"Well I'm gonna change" I said going to my closet.
"Want help" he asked.
"Nope I'm good" I said.
"Come on it not like I haven't seen you naked before " he smirked.
"I know" I said sassy.
"Well maybe I could see you naked tonight" he said wrapping his arms around my waist kissing my neck.
"Um hello my ankle" I said pretending to be mad.
"Oh yeah I forgot" he said unwrapping his arms. embarrassed😳.
"I'm kidding but maybe you will" I said kissing him slipping my hand in his boxers rubbing his buddy. "Y/n" he groans with his head back. I stop and take my hand out and went to my closet to grab the oversized shirt and change.
"What was that for" he said with his arms out.
"A tease" I smirked.

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