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Edit on top is not mine, idk whose it is

AND ITS SUPPOSED TO BE A LITTLE AWKWARD because first encounters are definitely not always smooth and easy. Also, Rye's p.o.v isn't great, but brooks' (second p.o.v I guess) is hopefully better :) and this one is really frickin boring lol enjoy.

Brook's p.o.v

I sniff the air, confused for only a moment about the smell, before my eyes grow wide and panic sets in. Smoke fills the kitchen, and I begin to swing my arms wildly in the air in hopes that it would not get to the fire alarm. But, much to my dismay, the loud screeching of the alarm goes off along with a blinking light.

"NO, NOT AGAIN"! I yell, now grabbing a cookie pan, trying to filter the smoke elsewhere.

Rye's p.o.v

The firealarm in my room goes off, causing me to flinch, and drop my cup on the floor, water splashing against the bottom of my sweats. This is the second time this week. I live in a two story apartment building, and when the smoke detector in one room starts beeping, they all do. If it's because someone is burning food, it usually continues to beep for about forty-five seconds and then stops because they find the source of the smoke. I wait quietly for the time to pass, but it continues to beep. I sniff the air, expecting to smell smoke and haul ass, but nothing. I walk to the door, and pull on my shoes. There is no way the alarm would still be going off, unless the person was drunk off his shit and didn't notice his food burning, or there was an actual fire. I open the door, peeking out, but other than the alarm everything was quiet and everyone was still in their rooms. I could, however, now smell something burning. I walk down the hallway, until three doors down from me, I can hear clattering inside. Figures, it's this kid. He seems hyper as hell as it is. As I go to knock on the door, the fire alarm stops, but the dishes clanging together inside doesn't. I knock on the door, and everything grows silent. Not a minute later, a short blonde, wearing only a pair of sweats, and a shy smile on his face opens the door. I've only seen him once or twice whilst passing him in the hallway, and all of those times, he is practically bouncing off the walls, and you know... clothed.

"Hi". There is still a noticeable foggy haze behind him from the smoke. The burnt smell now so much worse now that there is nothing blocking it from getting to me, I crinkle my nose, and clear my throat.

"Hi", I brush past him while entering his place. He doesn't stop me, and just watches me for a moment before closing the door behind him. I go to the wall across the room, and open the only three windows he has, hoping the heat and smell will air out fairly quickly.

"That's twice now". I feel like a parent scolding him for doing something I just told him not to do.

"I know, I'm sorry. I-. I'm not that good of a cook". He looks so tiny, as if he is legitimately ashamed of himself, and that image alone made me feel kind of bad. My eyebrows crease together, and I give him a funny look. "But. How? How do you almost burn your apartment down? Twice".

"Oh, trust me", he laughs, his reactions and emotions changing every two seconds. "It was a lot more than twice. That's why I was kicked out of my last place".

"What were you even trying to make". I brush past him again, my arm getting goosebumps from the short bit of contact. I look at the burnt black circular thing on the table, not even on a plate or tray, and then look at some more highly burnt mush on the stove.

"Yeah. Well, I was making a pizza for me, and then some Mexican thing for a family meet up tomorrow". He trails behind me as I make my way around his kitchen, grabbing whatever spices he has (however not a lot), and the leftover pizza dough that he didn't use. If this kid sets off the alarm one more time, I am going to kick his ass. And I would rather stay on good terms with all of my neighbors. So, one way to do that, is to make sure he doesn't have to cook again.

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