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Brandon: and who do you think you are?

He looked Colby up and down disgusted

Colby: uhh the person that's about to beat the fuck out of you why?
Brandon: doubt it
He rolled his eyes
Sam " tripped " and dumbed his whole plate on his jersey that he was wearing
Sam: oops
Throwing his tray at Brandon's head

I laughed a little but didn't stop me from crying Colby came up to me giving me my Nike jacket back and hugged me

I laughed a little but didn't stop me from crying Colby came up to me giving me my Nike jacket back and hugged me

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Brandon: what the fuck,
Sam: I said oops

I get out of Colby's arm and dump mine, Sam's and Colby's drink on his head

You: take that bitch
You threw the 3 cups at his head
Colby: damn karmas a bitch
Brandon walked off and walked off pissed..

Everyone started coming into the cafeteria

Sam: are you ok?
You: y-yea I'm just a little shaken up
Colby hugs you back and you hug back and he puts his head on yours

Everyone: awwww
You: shut up why don't ya I was almost raped
They all looked shocked and started taking pictures, of course, Colby was smiling and I was just not having it..

They soon stopped as I pulled away from the hug and wiped my eyes

Colby: are you sure you're ok your eyes are still watering
You: yea-no I'm f-fine
Colby: you don't sound fine
You broke down quietly and hugged Colby
You: i-am not fine..

Colby hugged you tight and let go and you sat on the bench/seat at your table
-3 hours later-

Colby: hey Addi I'm heading out bye
You: ok, by-

Everything went black when I felt a sharp pain in my back
I couldn't see anything,
What's happening?
Am I ok?
What's going on?
Where's Colby?
Where's Sam?
What will my dad think?
I told him I'd be home in 10 minutes..
What's happening?

-5 hours later-

Doc: Hey, hey, miss Palmer wake up
You: wha-what happened?

Your eyes were closed due to the light in the room

Doc: you passed out
You: from what?
Doc: you got shot by an arrow
You: how?!
Doc: some kids were playing in the schoolyard and they missed their target and hit you in the back
You: oh-how far did it go?
Doc: it just hit your spine you'll be fine
You: how did I get here?
Doc: your friend Cole called us
You: who?

The doctor pointed to the person by me and I jumped and the monitor
started beeping

Doc: oop
You: you scared me
Colby: sorry..
You: why do you sound so sad..
Colby: because you almost got raped and now your in the hospital with your back wrapped due to an arrow

You looked down and saw your waist/stomach wrapped

You: I can't feel this area doc

You moved your hands around your stomach poking it

Doc: your gonna start saying some messed up stuff
You: wwwhhyyyyy
Colby: I think it just hit her

You start laughing

You: youuurrrr hair is funny
Colby: welp yup it got to her
Doc: ok well see you in a few have fun with that he chuckles and leaves
You: I like children. The children are nice.
Colby: yes, they're very nice
He grabbed his phone and played on it
You: what are to doing
Colby: playing a game.
You: can I pull your hair?
Colby: no.
You: whhhhyyyyy
Colby: because it will hurt
You: oh.. Ok then can I pull your hand
Colby: no
You: whhhhyyyyy!
Colby: cause I said so

You try winking at the tv but end up blinking at it looking like a complete psycho

Colby: Are you trying to wink?
You: no... Yea... Maybe
Colby: Oh god when does this end
You flipped your head towards Colby
You: cole-by do you think I'm pretty
Colby: yes, you're pretty
You: cole-by would you ever date me?
Colby: mmm-i don't know
You: cole-by?
Colby: what?
You: you're cute
Colby: I know
You: that's not funny cole-by
Colby: it's very funny
You: well cole-by I didn't find it funny

You lift up the collar of your dress shirt thing

You: cole-by?
Colby: whhaatt?
You: where's my shirt?
Colby: the nurse has it
You: whhhhyyyyy?
Colby: because you can't wear regular clothes at this hospital for some reason
You: said who?
Colby: uhh I don't know the government?
You: they suck ass then..

30 seconds later

You: cole-by I'm sorry for ignoring you
Colby: why are you sorry
You: cuzzzzz I annoyed youuuu
Colby: true
You: where's my dad
Colby: at work
You: oh.. Ok
Colby: why are you asking me all these questions?
You: cuzzzzz I'm high on something that iiiiiiiiiii don't know WHAT it is but it's REALLY tiring
Colby: then go to sleep
You: I don't wanna
Colby stood up and stretched
You: I see your belly button
You started laughing
Colby: yea, you have one as well
You: lier, I haaaaave this as my belly booton 
You tried pointing to your wrapped belly
You: hey! Where are you going?
Colby: to the bathroom
You: oh... Ok have fun
Colby: I'll try he laughs and closes the door
You closed your eyes and fell asleep

Since ya girl is lazy the next chapter is a major time skip to prom soo yea enjoy🖤🌹🖤🌹🖤
(Tomorrow since it's 1:00 at night right now soo)

The Myth Of Colby Brock. (UNDER EDITING DONT READ)Where stories live. Discover now