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Being a junior in high school sucks. Kids are stupid as hell, don't listen and are just rude. Being on the yearbook staff is weird because there are so many different kinds of people in that group, but we all get along ... at least in that specific room we do.  I really only have one or two friends who I talk to outside of class. When that class ends it is really like we don't exist to each other. Things can get really tense with all the different personalities and cilques, but we usually get through it with little to no harm done. 

Outside of yearbook I also have a passion for Broadcast Journalism. That class is also full of all kinds of students but it is a much more relaxed atmosphere. Those are the only two classes I feel at home in, the rest of the time I usually have my head in a book and sometimes headphones blasting 5SOS and 1D. I walked down the stairs to go to STAR Time which is basically study hall and only on Thursdays. I walked into the room that smelled like fajitas, looking up, I saw a fajita station and realized that it was international food day for the foreign language classes. 

I took my seat at desk 16 and immediately pulled out my chromebook to see if I had any emails, or classwork that needed to be done. I deleted all the desperate college emails and went to grab my book when the hottest guy in school walked in. I admired him for 2 seconds before giving up hope and turning to the best chapter in the book I've read damn near a thousand times. I got so sucked into it that I didn't know the bell had rang until the teacher tapped me on my shoulder. Quickly packing up, I left and wondered to my next class which meant I was half way done with the day. 

Trudging through the rest of the day, I hurriedly walked to my car, wanting to get as close to the front as possible. The wait is absolutely horrid, no matter where you are if you aren't a senior. I hate my car, black interior, summer heat, and long pants cause I'm an idiot. I rushed to get home after I finally got out of the parking lot, knowing I had a lot to do when I got home and still had to get ready for work which was an hour and a half away. 

My dad rarely worked and my mom was over-stressed from trying to keep us afloat. My sister was just bitchy and I tried my best to keep everyone happy. I had to clean every inch of the house and make all the beds. Had to make tea and kool-aid, and prep for my mom to make dinner because I had work. I made a mental checklist almost forgetting about sorting and starting laundry. Just call me modern day Cinderella. 

I just finished with meal prep when I realized it was time to leave. I ran to my room, stripping on the way and jumped into my work uniform, and zipped out the door. I arrived to work 5 minutes early thanks to there being no traffic and me doing 10 over. I worked my 6 hour shift with a smile on my face and trudged to my car after close and an uneventful night. Grabbing my pajamas, I heard my door open, I turned around to see my mom in the door way. 

"Hey Momma." I said, hoping she was in a good mood.

"Thank you for prepping dinner, but why did I feel stuff stick to my feet when I walked in the kitchen?" She replied, I knew I could never do it up to her standards, I don't know why she didn't do it herself then. 

"I'm sorry, I swept, but I must've missed a spot or dropped something. I'll sweep it up, then take a shower." I responded, sliding past her after setting my pajamas on my bed. I quickly swept and made sure the floor was spotless before returning to my stuff to take a shower since it was well after 10, almost 11. 

Collapsing onto my bed, I read a bit of fan-fiction wishing my life was better. 

I woke up at 4 and started my daily routine. I threw my hair in a bun and went to the bathroom. I turned on the faucet and let it warm while I took off my shirt so I wouldn't get it wet. I grabbed my face scrub, witch hazel and cupped my hands to bring the water to my face. I enjoyed the feeling of warmth for a few seconds and popped open the cap for my face scrub. 

As I finished in the bathroom, I made a mental checklist for all I had to do in the kitchen. Stepping into the hall, I almost ran into my sister, she growled at me to get out of her way and I hurriedly did so. I walked the few feet to the kitchen and started humming to myself. I made my breakfast before I started the prep for the rest of my family. I grabbed my fruit loops and milk and stood at the counter to eat.

It was about 4:45, because I like to take my time with everything, by the time I finished eating. I wondered back to my room and got dressed in my usual outfit of black leggings and an over-sized t-shirt. I moved back to the kitchen and grabbed 3 mixing bowls and all the ingredients for the three different breakfasts I had to make before 5:45 A.M. For my mom, who wakes up next, it is going to be 2 eggs, 3 strips of bacon, and 2 slices of toast with butter and jam. I started the bacon first because it takes the longest. 

As the bacon finally finished I put the butter in the skillet for the eggs and the bread on to toast for 2 1/2 minutes. While the bread was toasting and the butter was melting I measured out the flour and sugar for my sisters 3 pancakes because she wouldn't be that far behind mom. I threw the eggs in the skillet and got the bread out of the toaster. I slathered butter and jam on the toast and scrambled the eggs. 

I beat the eggs into the pancake mix very quickly keeping my eye on moms eggs. I moved the eggs onto the plate and added more butter to the skillet for the pancakes. Mom walked into the kitchen as I was pouring her orange juice. I set everything on the dining room table and left to scoop my sisters pancakes. After 15 minutes they were slathered in butter and dripping with syrup and I poured her milk. I set it on the table as my mom got up and Melanie came in.

Now for dad, 1 hash brown, 3 eggs, 4 strips of bacon, 2 sausage links. I threw the bacon in the skillet, added butter to the other skillet and waited. I whisked the eggs and poured them in as soon as the butter melted. I grabbed the frozen hash brown box and pulled one out. Opening the fridge, I pulled out the sausage links, heading back to the stove. I put the eggs in their skillet and flipped the bacon in the other one. The hash brown was on a plate ready to be microwaved when I was done with everything else. I scrambled the eggs, turned off the bacon's heat, and moved them to a plate. I grabbed his bottled water and threw the hash brown and sausage links in the microwave. 

I put it all on the same plate and put everything in the dining room. I walked to the master to wake up my dad and went to pick up the dishes from mom and Melanie. I stacked them in my arms and headed to the kitchen as my dad came in and sat down to eat. I scrubbed all the dishes and put them away, by that time dad was done so I grabbed his and went back to my room when they were clean. I opened my back pack making sure I didn't have any homework or studying to do before school. 

I walked to the bathroom and brushed my hair and teeth, using the bathroom before going back to my room. Mel was waiting for me.

"Don't be in the bathroom when I have to use it in the middle of the night!" *SMACK* Mel angrily said, smacking me after. 

"Yes ma'am." I replied trying to not show my sadness. This was a daily thing and I wish it wasn't. I don't know why I became the slave to my family, I used to have fun with them.

Soon my sister left so I knew I was in the clear to go to the bathroom to cover the red mark on my face. As I walk out of my room my dad is standing in his doorway. I nervously try to walk past but he has other ideas. He backs me up into my room and closes my door. No, not again, not today, please. I silently beg my father and whatever god may be listening. Locking the door he turns to look at me with that glint in his eyes. 

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 28, 2020 ⏰

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