A graphic shop
Welcome to Empyrean Gallery, where we offer you rare artworks and fine covers and themes for your beautiful books and accounts. We hope you will find the right style for your masterpiece.
#1 in DESIGN 25.3.19
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Well, since many of you wanted to know how to make this template, I'll start with this. And special thanks to lovely hobify who taught me how to make this template 🤧💕
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Now, this template is easier than you think if you want to make it the easy way since there's a way to make it with picsart but it's much harder.
You'll need TWO APPS: 1- PHOTO LAB 2- OVER.
But if you're an android user Over might not work completely with you so you can try phonto but honestly I'm not really familiar with phonto since I use over. But it's not that hard to use either.
Now, we'll begin.
I. Search for an image that has a clear face to use, and it should be facing your side pretty clearly so Photo Lab can recognize the face. Let's take this picture for Yoongi for example.
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II. Now, open Photo Lab and write in the search: #shawnmendesthealbum and this should appear.
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Click on the first picture with Shawn Mendes.
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