Chapter 1

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"Danny Kingester?" Ed asked. "Who the hell is that?"

"She's a top notch fighter and killer." Mustang spoke.

"Killer?" Al repeated.

"Yeah, she killed over 30 people in one year. It also includes her parents." Mustang said.

"Parents?!" Al said. "She's crazy."

"How can you let someone like be on the streets?" Ed said.

"She's not. She's here in a prison, but she won't talk at all." Mustang said. "I want you to find out what's wrong with her."

"Why us?!" Ed asks.

"Maybe she knows something about the philosopher stone." Mustang said.

Ed and Al both understood. The brothers were told that Danny Kingester is in the 4th laboratory in the basement. Kept hidden and safe.

Soon both Ed and Al were in the basement. In a huge cage one person sat on the floor rapped around in chains.

The person had long black hair and white snow skin. She/he wore a black skirt and a black shirt with boots.

"Danny?" Ed asked. The person smiled.

"I couldn't wait until Mustang send you to talk to me, Edward Elric." It sounded like a female voice. "Isn't that colonel such a pussy to talk to me? How pathetic."

Ed was surprised yet he found it funny when Danny called Mustang a pussy.

"You know about us?" Al spoke.

The girl moved, Ed and Al saw her gorgeous pale face with big blue eyes.

"Know you? I know everything there is about you. I know you did the sin and your brother has soul stuck in that armor. You lost a leg and you gave up an arm for him." She said coldly.

Ed and Al didn't spoke.

"What? Cat got your tongue?" She laughed.

"How did you know that?!" Al yelled.

She put in a finger in her lips and shh sound.

"It's a secret."

"You need to tell us what are you and why did you kill those people." Ed said changing the topic.

"So you can find out about the philosopher stone?" She said.

"You know that too?" Al said. She nodded.

"Damn you." Ed said and left. He was close to the door when Danny said something.

"If I do tell you how to make a philosopher stone you wouldn't believe it." She said.

"Human lives."

Ed's eyes went wide. Then he shook his head not believing her.

"Told you, nothing is impossible." She said.

Edward left without saying one word and soon Al left.


That night Danny was going to escape using alchemy.

"Here monster. Eat." The soldier said tossing the tray and the food landing on the floor. Danny smiled. She stood up dusting her pants. She pulled the chains that were in her wrist easily. She easily walk towards the soldier who stood there shocked. Danny in a cage with bars so she can reach for the soldiers throat. She choked him and he fell dead to the floor. She took the keys and open the cage.

She stood there free. She stepped over the guy and made her way up the stairs into the laboratory. The scientist stood still. She normally walked down the halls into the streets. Of course there were guards in the gate pointing guns at her. She clapped her hands and used alchemy to kill them. She used the rocks to hit them in there heads. She made her way to the streets and walked freely.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 01, 2014 ⏰

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