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Hello. Thank you for reading this. To start, I'm a practising Catholic and this is a compilation of prayers that I feel are necessary for everyone, Catholic or not, to have in their itinerary for us to win the battle against the evil one.

For all of you who are either non-Catholics or Catholics who don't fully get why we pray to the saints and the angels, please note that we do not engage in idol worship of any kind when we do so nor is it wrong to have an image or a 'statue' of them in one's house.

The reason we keep these images is that they may serve as a means of identification that we do venerate and believe in them. More importantly, they serve to constantly remind us to pray and be dutiful in our work for God. It is the same way we keep portraits of our loved ones, including the deceased, in our homes, offices, etc.

We DO NOT worship the angels and the saints for that is reserved only for God in His Three Divine Persons but instead, we ask them to intercede for us to God.

Why do this? Because the angels, firstly have lived in communion with God since He created them. They remained loyal to Him even when Lucifer tried to convince them to revolt and are thus entitled to a lot of respect because we human beings constantly betray God when we sin.

As for the saints, these are men and women of all ages who led exemplary lives while on earth and thus merited entry into Heaven, regardless of whether or not they passed through Purgatory.

It's not to say that just because a person who's passed hasn't been declared a saint then they aren't in Heaven. Oh no. Millions and millions of souls inhabit Heaven but a select few, after in depth investigations by the Church into their lives and at times after they appeared to select souls here on earth, were declared saints so that they may serve as an example of faith and virtue to we who live on earth.

The saints are our friends. They were once human too so they are wonderful to pray to because they have obtained great favour with God.
It's sort of like how when you know your parents favour a particular sibling, you use them to get your parents to give you what you want. The favoured siblings in this case are Jesus, the Blessed Virgin Mary and the angels and saints.

Remember, souls in Heaven don't just chill and hang out; they worship God daily. As such, it would do us good to ask them to pray for us as well. We are very much allowed and encouraged to pray to The Father but we cannot neglect the other beings in Heaven who are willing to help us out.

If you disagree I perfectly understand but please don't be rude in expressing it. I really don't like arguments and confrontations but I'm all up for reasonable and polite discussions. I hope these prayers will benefit you as much as they have me. Thanks.

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