Prayers to God the Eternal Father

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The Fiat of the Eternal Father

My Beloved Father, Thy will be done on Earth as it is in Heaven. Be Thou my Father. Be always my Eternal Father. Do not leave my soul. Do not leave me out of Your sight, My Father, for I am your child whom You have created to please You, to adore You, to honour You, living my days as you have given me the license to live it. Amen

About this prayer:
It was given by Eternal Father Himself in October of 1997 to a chosen instrument

Here's the message He gave:
"Day after day, my children say that in your mind. That will be the way you will say your Fiat to your Father. And I, Your Father, will open My arms like this (and He stretched out His arms) and everyday I will gather you in My arms and I will rock you as your Beloved Mother (Blessed Mother) rocks each baby in her arms. For yes, you are My children. Remember the Fiat of each day as you live.

As you do this from the beginning of the day, I promise you, My children, I guarantee you I will cover you in My arms. I will send you my angels with St. Michael to protect you and all the saints of your devotions to be with you during the day to guide you and assist you.

I promise you, you will feel the power of My Great Love for you that I will send you day in day out. But you have to offer Me everyday as you get up in the morning that Fiat.

(18/10/97 Message of the Eternal Father)

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