🌕The Trigger🌖

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I wish I was one of those robots, ya know? The people that just walk around without a care in the world. Wake up have breakfast, take the kids to school, go to their boring job. Maybe even go to church on Sunday. I wish my life was like that, but that just wasn't in the cards for me. At least not anymore that is....Those little things that I took for granted, how I wish I could go back to that day and do everything differently. My name is Luz, Luz de la Luna and I don't even think I can be called a person at this point, after what I've done...what I've become.
To go back to that day isn't what I want but for you to understand my story, I have to. It started as any normal day would have, I woke to the smell of bacon and pancakes, so I knew it was Tuesday. My mom Lauren was a creature of habit, maybe it was the OCD that made her that way. But she was so predictable, that if I ever wanted to sneak out I wouldn't have to try so hard since her schedule was unchanging. I stretched, yawned and started to get ready for a day of jail, I mean school, it was hard to tell the difference at that time. My little brother Jose was already up and wrecking havoc on the house. If a battery was human they'd name it Jose..this kid is literally non-stop. My shitty stepdad was waiting for me at the bathroom door as I finished up my morning routine before leaving for school. "Hey!!! You're not the only person who has to get fucking ready!" He shouted like he wanted the entire house to hear. "Be out in a sec!" I yelled back, and I finished washing my face, I could've sworn that one of my eyes had shined a little...naturally my eyes were hazel, with a hint of green, but I could've have sworn that my left eye looked golden yellow for a second. I looked again after rewashing my face, and it looked like it's normal hazel-greenish. I immediately dismissed the thought and left the bathroom. My stepdad bumped my into shoulder as he hurried into the bathroom. He wrecked of beer, and it was only 7:03 am. Fucking drunk I muttered under my breath as he slammed the door behind him. So as I can see life wasn't "Perfect"...but it was predictable. I packed my breakfast because I was that kid. The kid that ate breakfast while the rest of the school ate lunch and I ate it by myself everyday in the girls bathroom in my loser stall, as I spied on the girls that everyone wanted to be... Esmeralda Sanchez y las Muñecas. Esmeralda and her dolls where the ones to beat. They ran Cesar Chavez High with an iron fist, and wolverines claws to match. They were the most beautiful girls that you could only hope to be, and the most dangerous. They're fathers were a part of the Mexican Mafia, and their brothers were next in line for the throne. So students as well as teachers feared and respected them. But today something was off. The usual gossip started as always but I smelled something new...different. It smelled like pine and Forrest, chocolate and lavender...with a hint of blood. My nose has always gotten me in trouble  but today it might've signed my death warrant. I dropped my bag of pancakes and bacon and almost, literally flew out of the stall. I moved without thinking my body had to find the source of that smell, that sent that made my entire body quiver. Before I knew it I was at Esmeraldas throats, Breathing in whatever that scent was...that sweet scent. But as I started to come to my senses, she began sniffing me...Aggressively. After about two seconds las Muñecas joined in, and for a second their hungry eyes...shines in the same golden yellow as mine did that same morning...

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 09, 2020 ⏰

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