Chapter 10 - Desperate times

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Salaam Everyone!

I know, I have been gone for way too long. And I'm sorry. Everything just got so hectic, but then today I was like NO. I have to update, there are so many people that keep leaving lovely comments (which all btw make my day!) asking me to update and just thinking that there are people out there who actually want to read this just pushes me to update. I hope you guys like this chapter, I tried to make it extra long, and sorry for any spelling/grammar mistakes.

The song is This Is How We Do by Katy Perry and the picture is of Julie Gonzalo, who I imagined to play Lana --------------------->

I hope you guys all had an amazing fun-filled summer!

Happy reading :D


The music had completely stopped by now. I'm pretty sure if you dropped a pin on the floor, you'd be able to hear it. The creep was lying sprawled out on the floor, with blood gushing out from his nose. Ooh that's got to hurt. Hamilton didn't waste any time; before I knew what was happening, he jumped on the guy and started punching him repeatedly. Cole, Lucy's boyfriend, pushed through the crowd and managed to get a hold of him, restraining him before he did something, which he may come to regret. All the while I stood there in shock and in a bubble of confusion, not having a clue as to what to do in a situation like this.

Hamilton shrugged Cole off of his shoulders and turned towards the doors leading out, but not before throwing one last kick in the creep's direction. Cole ran his fingers through his hair, obviously not surprised by Hamilton's actions. He sighed at the guy on the floor and went over to check if nothing too serious had happened. It looked like the guy on the floor was unconscious. The blond haired girl from Ms. Frances class, who was sat with Hamilton at the back, came running into the crowd. Macy, Liv and Lucy came straight after her. They all stared at the guy on the floor and then lifted their gazes towards Cole and then lastly turned their head in my direction.

Uh oh.

Macy placed a hand on my shoulder and whispered,

"What happened?"

I didn't know what to say. What do you say in this kind of situation? The poop definitely did hit the fan. Macy stood calmly, eyeing me cautiously. She looked at me worriedly. It was like every single pair of eyes in the colossal hall were fixed upon me. They were waiting for an answer.

"Uh... he, well, he tried to dance with me. And, I'm not particularly fond of dancing with strangers, so... I said stop and he wouldn't, and next thing I know Hamilton went smackdown on his ass."

Macy's eyes widened. The girl from Ms. Frances class had an amused smile playing on her lips. Her narrow eyes focused on me and she had a look in her eyes, which I couldn't really decipher. She was looking at me like... I'm a little amateur girl who's just been introduced to the big leagues.

"It was awesome," I whispered, my mind replaying the whole fight, whilst I swayed on my heels, back and forth.

I know, saying that it was awesome to witness a guy getting beat up, is in fact a bad thing, but you have to understand, this is the most action I have ever seen in my entire boring life. I feel like a heroine in a movie right now.

Lucy must have overheard me and with a look of concern in her eyes she calmly begins, "Rosie... he could have died. That was anything but awesome." She straightens up and crosses both her arms and looks at me disapprovingly, she's reminding me of my dad right now.

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