"Your Ruining Our dreams!"

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*lauren's POV*

I wanted to know why they said that, or why dani said they did. (reread Last chapter, if your confused!) dani was out with her friends, so Lisa was the only one still in her room so I can confront her about it.

"Lisa..." I say quietly.

"Yeah, laur?" She replys quickly.

"Why did you tell Dani she can't sing?" I asked her, trying to be brave but honestly so scared.

*lisa's POV*

Why did I say that she can't sing? Because me, amy, and kath are forced too. The record label wants dani off the band and to replace her with his 'innocent, perfect angel' Carly. She's really just a spoiled brat. But we have to, and we want to let her down easy.

"Uh..." I say. "Because she can't?"

"You and me both know, that's a lie." She folded her arms.

"Fine, it's she's amazing, but I can't tell you why I said that." I say, I can't tell her.

*lauren's POV*

Hm, so looks like Lisa's Jealous. Okay, now let's find out why Amy and kath hate her.

I walk to Amy/Christina/Katherine's room and knock.

Amy opens it. "Yeah Lauren?"

"Can I talk to you...out here?" I ask her.

"Uh..sure." Amy says and walks with me to the living room.

"So...why did you tell dani to drop out of the band?" I ask.

*amy's POV*

Great, she told her. I knew our plan to let dani down easy wouldn't work but I tired anyways.

"Reasons." I half-lie.

"Seriously ams? TELL ME." Lauren pressured. I can't lie to her, she's my sister.

"Okay fine, me, Lisa, and kath, are trying to let dani down easy 'cause Scott will only sign us if dani's out of the band.." I say. Were like, 3/4 signed to Hollywood records. Not fully, we will be when dani's out. And I wanna be famous. I wanna be a hollywood-er. So we are kicking dani out I don't see the big deal with laur.

"What?" Lauren asked, confused or angry, probably both.

"Yeah..." I tell her.

*lauren's POV*

What? And everyone's in on it? Everyone wants to crush her soul? I didn't even know about the kicking dani out thing.

I raised my eyebrows. "If dani's out, then I am too."

"Lauren you can't! Your everyone's favorite! Your ruining our dreams!" Amy yells at me.

"and your ruining dani's." I say and walk into my room, dani's there now.

"Hey dan." I say and sit by her.

She smiles a bit. "Hey Lolo."

I told her what I was told, and that were both leaving. She started crying. "Why Lauren..why??" She cried onto my shirt and Lisa was laughing a bit in the background. "But I was thinking...maybe if our idiotic sisters want to leave us for big time record label..we can become a duo with our label now." I asked her. "I'd like that. We can show them a friend named Karma. We can call ourselves Sugar & Spice"



Hey guys! So..Hollywood records huh? And the duo formally from cimorelli, sugar and spice! Lol. And I almost have 200 views and we reached 100 last night..that's crazy I love you.

And I'll get into dani's depression and stuff, and not all figuring out things and cute Dauren scenes XD.

Comment "Hollywood records loss for losing Dauren" 😂

Xox- Cassidy

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