Red as the Rose

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This is Rachel Aust. I do not own the pictures. I simply found them on google. 


I wake up to the sound of pans crashing, the wooden spoon reverberating off the steel pan. The first thing I see is my wild-haired caretaker and her sallow skin. She yells at me to get up in her annoying piercing voice. She rips the sheets off me and I shriek as the cold air touches my skin. "Yes, Madam Lestrange." I respond half asleep. My name is Arabella Rose Woods. I am expected to be prim and proper, I am expected to be a lady of class, very distinguished, and respectable. I am 15 years old. Ms. Lestrange is my keeper you would say, she isn't what you would call motherly. I don't know who my parents are or why they abandoned me. I am to attend Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry this year. I received my class schedule early. I have Potions, DADA, Transfiguration, Astrology, Care of Magical Creatures, and Charms. I hurry downstairs to meet Ms.Lestrange. 

Skip to Diagon Alley

I headed straight for Flourish and Blotts to pick up school books. I pushed through the crowd of people. I breathed in the crisp air, I love the smell of books. (For real I do) I scanned the shelves that seemed like old friends to me. I found my school books and decided to find new reading material. I was reaching for a book and I bumped into a shadow. Wait you can't bump into shadows. I opened my eyes to see the oak floor and two feet. I glared up and saw a cloaked figure with pale skin and midnight eyes. A hand reached out to me and I grasped it. "Ummm hey, thanks...." I said as my voice quivered. The shadow replied with a velvety voice "I assume you were reaching for this?" He handed me a book of Shakespearean Sonnets. "Yes, I have been looking everywhere for it. My name is Arabella Rose Woods. And you are?" He replied " Severus Snape, it's great to see young people enjoying the classics." Then I heard that all too familiar shriek.


Imma leave you guys on a cliff hanger. My chapters won't all be as short as this. I wanna see what ya guys think so far. Vote,Comment, and Follow! <3 Love ya Guys. -DJ_Harley_Quinn

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