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Kayla's POV:

I get on the treadmill and I start running. I look over and see this guys back and let me tell you he has some muscles. I smile and start running more while listening to this parody by these YouTubers then my favorite part comes on and I thought I was singing it under my breath "I LIKE COLBYS EYES AND I ALWAYS SHARE MY FRIES" I say.

I look over and I see everyone looking at me. I shrug and take a drink out of my KAAE water bottles (Kayla and Ashly explorers). I set my water bottle inside my bag and pack up to leave. I look out the window and see a bunch of fans outside "shit how did they find me" I say.

"Fuck and I'm late I'm supposed to be on my way to that asylum to film" I groan and put my head in my hands. Then I feel a hand on my back, "hey Kayla I'm Colby brock if you know me" I hear someone say.

My eyes go wide and I look at him and say "I do know you actually, you inspired me to make an exploring channel".

He smiles and says "I'll see you around beautiful" I blush and say "back to you handsome". He smiles and winks at me.

I walk outside and stop and take selfies with some fans. I look at the time and I get in my car and drive home. I get in the house and there's Ashley with the camera In my face saying "Are you ready?" I say "I was born ready!" And then I say "I just met Colby brock at the gym and damm he is so fucking hot" I laugh and blush, then Ashley says "oooh someone got a crush?"

I blush and look down down. Do I?. I can't though because I don't even know him. I should've asked for his number. I sigh and say "got the stickers?" And she responds with "yep" popping the "p".

We get in the car and we start jamming out to Baby by justin Bieber, and a lot of other older music.

We get to the insane asylum and we park 2 streets away so nobody would suspect anything. We set up the camera on top of the car and we start our intro "HEY WHATS UP YOU GUYS ITS ASHLEY AND KAYLAAAAA" We both yell and do little dance moves and laugh. "And we are here today at this insane asylum" I say to the camera with a smirk.

"Lets get right into it!" Ashley says and smiles. "I think there's a window right there" I say as we are looking for a way inside the building. "Wait did you hear that?" She asks me. I cover her mouth and whisper "there is somebody else here with us".

We both tiptoe into the building and then we find this cool ass graffiti and I scream and say "OMG THATS AMAZING!". Ashley points the camera at me and says "do you know what we should do?".

I smirk and say "already have it in my backpack". We both sit at this counter covered in broken glass and cement. We set up the Ouija board and then we hear something from outside the door. Next thing we know the door opens and then I see a flash light pointing at me and Ashley.

They point their flashlight down at the floor and I hear a voice say "sorry" my eyes go wide and I realize its sam and Colby.

"Hey guys what are you doing here?" I ask them. "Just being fucking idoits" Colby says. Next thing we know we hear a door slam that's when Ashley and sam start filming. I jump and Colby sees that I'm scared and puts his hand on my thigh.

I look at him and smile and he smiles back. Then we hear a female scream from downstairs. We get up slowly, I'm shaking and behind everybody else.

I run up to them and I hear someone behind me and I feel something grab me I scream "HELP" and I fall on the floor and something starts pulling me away.

Everyone is looking at me with wide eyes and Colby runs up to me and grabs me and pulls me into his arms "what the fuck was that?!" I ask crying into his chest.

"Let's go NOW!" Colby yells and starts running with me in his arms still. I hold onto him more tightly then we are about 5 feet away from the entrance we came in until the door slammed itself shut.

I scream and pull myself more into Colby and start shaking even more. Sam and Ashley are holding onto each other why they are both filming what's going on.

Then Sam pushes the door open and all make a run for it. We make it to our cars and Colby sets me down and I'm still shaking and crying. "Thank you" I tell him while I hug him "can I have your number?" I ask him while blushing.

He bites his lip and smiles, he takes my phone and puts his number in and set his name as "Colbs ❤" I smile and kiss him on the cheek.

"Goodnight Colby" I tell him "Good night beautiful" he says and kisses my forehead. Then me and Ashley get into the car and don't say a word to each other the whole ride home because we are still in shock.

On the way back home I realize something and say "THE EXPLORE STICKER!" We both sigh and we both agreed that we won't go there ever again.

Colbs ❤

Hey beautiful

                            Sorry wrong number.

Isn't this Kayla?

                       It is but I'm not beautiful

                 Wanna hang out tomorrow
                     though, just us no cams?
I'd love that
                                  Goodnight ❤
Goodnight ❤

I smile and lean my head up against the window and slowly fall asleep listening to Billie Elish.

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