Strange Behavior

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Chapter 5

The next morning I woke up feeling refreshed. 

While thinking about the two charming wolves I met last night, I couldn't keep from smiling. Even though they're only animals I couldn't stop my heart from racing thinking about them. It's been a long time since someone show'd me so much affection. I never would've guessed I'd receive such behaviors from a wolf. I can't help but feel strongly connected to them both. They seem so human. I had yet to meet an animal that could understand and answer my questions the way they both easily could.

While my mind was overflowing with thoughts I glanced at my alarm clock. 

"What?!" I screeched. 

"It's already 7:40 am!?" 

There's no way I can make it on time by 8:00 am! I don't possess the fast and efficient trait most humans have. Predicting I'll be late no matter what, I decided to get ready at my usual speed. Trying not to ruin my once happy mood, I drove to school.

I peeked through the Math classes window and saw the teacher in the middle of giving a lecture. 

"Shit" I quietly grumbled. 

Now how am I going to sneak into class? I tried to slowly open the door and wall shuffle to the back row. Of course, with my terrible luck, the door made a loud creaking noise. Everyone turned and stared at me. I stopped mid step, nearly losing my balance, and gave a slow, shameful wave in response. Now that my face was hot enough to fry an egg, the teacher, oh so graciously, decided to greet me.

"Why hello there Ms.Rose. It's so nice of you to finally join us. Please take your seat." he smugly welcomed. 

Why that smug bastard. What I wouldn't do to smack that look off his face. I understand that I am late, but come on. It's the second day of school. He could cut me a little slack.

Clenching my jaw I all but stomped back to my seat, my mood completely ruined. When I looked over at Tao and Minseok they were cackling quietly to themselves. Here I thought their presence would help calm me down. I sent them the deadliest glare I could muster. With one look they both went silent.

 I put my head down on my desk with a soft sign. 

I'm actually not sure why I'm getting so worked up over something so small. Before I could explore that thought further, I felt a hand gently rub my back. Judging from the warm and comforting feeling that spread through me, I knew it was one of the boys. 

A few seconds later, I felt another hand placed on my head. They started running their hands through my hair, causing goosebumps to appear on the back of my neck. With both of their hands sending me into a peaceful state, I let out a contented sigh.

I'm not entirely sure how two people, I just met, could give me such comfort. As strange as it was, I wouldn't take it for granted. I allowed myself to bathe in the bliss for a few more minutes until I forced myself to sit back up. There's no way I'm letting that smug walnut call me out in front of the class again. 

Coming back to reality I gave both my angels a lazy smile and turned back to the front of the class. As class droned on I couldn't help but feel myself get more and more irritated. I couldn't stand to hear a second more of his voice. Maintaining my poker face I looked at the clock and saw we had 10 minutes left. 

I'm not sure how they knew I was close to blowing a fuse, but Minseok suddenly started rubbing up and down my back again. Meanwhile, Tao grabbed my hand and started gently drawing shapes into my palm. I found that trying to guess the shape took my mind away from my anger fueled thoughts. All too soon the bell rang.

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