Every Fairy Tale needs A Good Ol' Fashioned Villain

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 ----------Jezebel's POV----------

I wake up, taking in my surroundings. I lay there, staring at the ceiling. The swirls keep me occupied for while, as they keep turning into what seems like another infinity. 

Sitting up, on a bed which is surprisingly very soft and comfortable, I notice that I'm in a place which is unfamiliar to me. 

Nice baby blue walls, with a stunning chandelier hanging from the ceiling. I look at the bed, which is perfectly made, only with creases on from where I was laying. A dark grey cover laying over the quilt, and big fluffed-up pillows finishing off the beautiful bedroom. 

"Where am I?" I say with a croaky voice, standing up to put pressure on my feet. I totally forgot about the carpet burns on my heels, so as I stand up, I instantly fall back down, making a grunting noise at the pain.

"Oh, we're going to have to get that looked at, Tiger. It looks pretty painful. You can put all the blame on my men for that, and I'll make sure that they're delt with."

I spin my head round in a matter of seconds, looking at the door where the voice came from.

"Why am I here?" I ask with a sharp tone to my voice. It didn't mean to come out as harsh as that, but I guess what's said is said.

"Woah, woah, calm down Tiger, I don't think you want to speak to me like that." Jim says, walking over to the bed which i'm sitting on.

"Come on darling, we'll get that looked at. I don't think you want to be like that when I tell you what you have to do." He whispers into my ear. I can feel his hot breath on my ear lobe, sending shivers down my spine.

I look at him, and he's wearing the exact same devilish smile that he wore on the first day I saw him.

I don't realize what i've done until I feel him grab my wrist. I look at him and there's a cut on his cheek, just below his cheekbone. I look at my hands, and I see a speck of blood across my fingers. It all comes clear in my mind that I have slapped him across the face.

I just slapped the most dangerous man in the entire world across the face. I think something terrible is coming my way.

He tugs on my arm, making me stumble over. Luckily, he's still holding my wrist, so that stops my face from hitting the floor.

I follow behind him, not that I have much choice anyway. He leads me to a dark, wet cell. I can feel blood trickling from my heels, only making me wince in agony once again. He pushes off from my wrist, making me fall over in the cell. He shuts the gates and looks straight into my eyes, with no emotion showing.

"You're going to stay here until you've learned your lesson Tiger. And don't think that I won't leave you here, because darling, it would be my privilege."

Tears start to form in my eyes as I stare at him walking away. The last thing I hear is his footsteps making their way up the staircase. Once I can no longer here them, I brake down into an unbearable state.

Hot tears make their way down my pale cheeks, leaving a shiny trail behind them. I manage to crawl over to the damp corner and curl up into a ball, trying to pretend that this is just a terrible nightmare.

"WHY ME?! WHY DO I HAVE TO GO THROUGH ALL OF THIS SUFFERING?" I scream at the shadows, knowing that they won't respond to any word I say.

I feel myself falling into a deep sleep after all the crying stopped. Feeling all of the pain, hatred towards Moriarty and sadness going numb.


I find myself being awoken by the sound of chains rattling. I look up to Jim, staring at me with those big, brown eyes.

He sure as hell loves to stare, doesn't he?

"Good morning, Jezebel. I hope you have learned your lesson from last night, because if you haven't then, tut tut tut! You're going to be spending another night in this place." His voice flat by the end of the sentence, but clearly hearing the serious tone to it.

"I swear I have! Please let me out this foul place!" I plead. I have never pleaded in my entire life, but hopefully this is enough to let me out.

"Oh! Begging now, are we? Well, I guess I can let you out, but there is one thing that you have to do for me, and I don't think that you're going to like it. Work for me. You're going to work for me, as in cleaning, cooking and lots of other things. You are going to do all of that until I can trust you enough that you can kill for me. Do you understand?" He asks in a sweet, innocent voice. Its almost too intimidating.

I nod my head very nervously, trying not to sound petrified in front of him.

If he knows that I'm scared of him, he'll take it as an advantage. And I really don't want that happening. 

He bends down so that he is the same height as me. I look into those big, dreamy brown eyes of his and he looks at my heels again.

"I think we need to take you to a doctor, those wounds look pretty affected to me. Come on."

I stand up and he mirrors me, turning around and walking out of the cell. I follow him out, taking cautious limps, trying not to re-open the cuts.

We don't leave the house but we stop at a door near the front door. I'm guessing this is the first aid room.

We enter slowly, and he gestures me to sit down on a bed. I do as he wishes and then he moves across the room. I notice there is another guy standing next to a desk, and he looks up at Jim.

"H-How can I help you today, Sir?"

Sir? Is this some school or something?

"Yes Isaac, I need you to have a look at her heels. They were scraped along a carpet, for reasons I'm not going to explain. But they look affected, so I need you to sort them out. That'll be all." He says.

Isaac walks over to me and starts examining my feet. I feel strangely uncomfortable and I just want to be in my bed again.

He lifts up the badly grazed foot and dabs something on it. It makes it sting and I pull back. I close my eyes and try to breathe normally.

"These look really bad. I'm sorry that this has happened to you. I'll try and get these fixed as soon as I can, but I think they will at least take a week or two to heal."

"No, no, NO! That won't do. Isn't there a medication that can work quicker? I need her. Do anything you can to fasten up the process."

"But Sir-"

"NO! Do as I say or you know what will happen. Do it now as well, so I know that you have done it."

"Sir, the only way that I can do that is by using a very strong medication. It may put her in a position that you wont particularly like."

I see Jim walk up to Isaac, and he's not looking very please either.

Jim whispers something in his ear, although he lowers his voice so I can't hear him.

Next thing I know is Jim walking up to me. he looks in my eyes again, but this time, he looks sad.

I give him a questioned look. 

"I'll see you in 3 days, Tiger. Sleep well."

"Wait, what?!"

Isaac then gets a bottle of liquid, which appears to be a green colour. I stare at it, not knowing what to do.

I finally feel a needle enter my leg, and I flinch to try and get away from it. It obviously doesn't work and the last thing I remember is Jim looking at me, with puppy-dog eyes, then all goes black.


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