Chapter 20

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Carrie's POV

The fair opens on time and all the families and groups of friends came running in, eager to ride on the carnival rides the town rents each year.

I walk back over to the boys. “Sorry about that. But now we’re up and running, so who’s ready to have fun!”

The boys and I have a blast. We all rode the ferrist wheel together (where Zayn practically sat in Liam’s lap), we rode the bumper carts (where they all got extremely over-competitive), and we rode the tilt-a-whirl until we all felt nauseous. At the carnival games Niall won me a stuffed bear and asked me to name it Nialler Jr. I, of course, gladly agreed. Niall seemed to have the most fun at the food stands. Unlimited amounts of burgers, hotdogs, fries, ice cream, nachos, and popcorn? Yeah, for Niall, it was paradise. It was one of the best days of my life, and I even forgot about them leaving for a little while.

I look down at my watch.

“Okay guys, we’ve got to get you back to the stage. The concert starts in 30 minutes.”

The boys all nodded and we started towards the tent that was ‘back stage’. It was difficult, there was more people here then normal, apparently it leaked that the boys were preforming, and those that were able to find our town had come. I shouldn’t complain, it meant we would raise more money. But all summer the boys have been just mine and now I had to share them with the world again. I shook the thoughts out of my head.

No. You have to give them to the world again. He’s not yours after today.

As we pushed our way through the crowds of people it started getting thicker. Niall looked back and grabbed my wrist to pull me up with him. He then held my hand firmly.

Holding Niall’s hand almost made me break down and cry. No, no I have to be strong. Enjoy it while it lasts.

Suddenly, I collided with someone trying to go the other way. The soda in her hand flipped and drenched me.

The girls jaw dropped. “I’m so sorry!”

“That’s okay.” I looked down at my now stained and dripping wet clothes. “Accidents happen.”

I quickly rushed to catch up with the rest of the boys who the crowd had yanked ahead. We finally reached the tent and we all hurried in. Paul and two security guards the boys had come stood at the door.

Bill came over to us. “Well it’s about time! I was worried you guys forgot about all the preparation that goes into a show in your time off!”

Louis whispered. “Wow, Carrie’s not the only one on edge.”

Bill and I both glared at Louis.

“Go!” Bill pointed to the waiting stylists that came for the boys.

Niall leaned over and kissed me quickly on the cheek. “I’m glad you’re going to get to see us perform. You better be standing front row.” He winked.

I smiled. “I don’t know if I can with all these crazy girls that drove here just to see you, but I’ll try. I’m just going to run home and change.” I nodded to my shirt. “This stuff’s sticky.”

He looked worried. “Sure…but hurry, okay?”

I gave him another quick kiss. “Of course. Wouldn’t miss your show for the world.”

He nodded. “Okay…so go!”

He pushed me out of the tent. I laughed and started home.

Quickly I raced into my room. I still had a good twenty minutes before show time, but I didn’t want to be late.

I grabbed a pair of blue shorts and a bright yellow and green tank top. I thought for a moment. The sun was going to go down, I should bring a sweatshirt. I reached in the back of my closet and pulled out a blue sweatshirt, but I dropped it when I saw what was behind it.

Oh Anna.

Looking down at my casual outfit I thought for a moment.

Why not?If it was my last night with Niall I might as well dress up.

 *     *     *

I was right. It was cold.

So even though I was dressed up, I had the sweatshirt over top.

I arrived back at the carnival with five minutes to spare. The stage was already surrounded by people, but I pushed through the crowd until I was as close as I could get.

That’s when I saw her.

“Hi Carrie!” She looked me up and down. “Lots of people here, huh? Enjoying the lime light?”

My jaw dropped. “It…it was you.”

She gave me a smirk. “Don’t know what you’re talking about. Ta ta!”

With that, she flipped her hair and headed off.

I can’t believe it. I should have known sooner! Of course she would tell the world where One Direction is; she knew what it would do to me.

No one else in this town would try to hurt me like that.

But Angela Soyers would.

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