Ask Deh Ninja #8; Um...lala?

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Me; A dare, yayayayayayayay!!! Okay, here it is!!

@Ghost_Boy_ - Jay - Sing for your fans!!

Jay; Okay!! *Starts singing Ninjago theme song (old one cause I like it more X3)* NINJAGO, NINJA!! COME ON, COME ON, COME ON! DO THE WEEKEND WHIP!!!

Jay fans; Yayz!!! :D

Me; This is too short....I WANNA DO A DARE!!!! >:D

Ninja; O-O

Me; I'll give you all dares!!!! >:3

@DaydreamerKitty -

Lloyd - Dye your hair pink

Cole - Dress as a bannana

Zane - Go in a room full of lava!

Jay - Make a machine that hits you with sticks, than get in the  machine and get hit with sticks!!

Kai - Kiss my cousin Emily!!

Me; Lloyd, you first!

Lloyd; Why pink...? *goes to bathroom. Comes out with pink hair*

Me; Oh, did I mention you have to stay that way for at least 5 chapters?


Me; Cole, go dress as a bannana!

Cole; *goes to bathroom, comes out with a bannan suit* There...

Jay; *smirk. Picture, picture* The internet is gonna love me!

Me; next!

Zane; I don't do well in heat.

Me; Too bad! *Shove into lava room*


Me; Okay, you can come out! *open door*

Zane; *runs out* ERROR! ERROR!!! *runs away*

Me. O.o Okay... Jay!

Jay; Fine... *goes off and builds a stcik machine*

Me; Go in!

Jay; -.- *climbs in.* Ow! ow ow ow!

Me; X3 Okay, you can get out!!

Jay; *climbs out*

Me; Okay! Kai...

Emily; Hi Kai~!

Kai; EEK! You again?!

Emily; YOU GOTTA DO THIS!!! *runs to him*

Kai; EEEEEEKKK!!! I WON'T DO IT!!!! *runs away, Emily chases him*

Emily; *catches. Kisshu~! Dissappears*

Kai; *pant pant*

Me; okay than! Thats all right now! Comment more!!!

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