Chapter 14

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"This is the corniest thing you have ever done," Vero said as she carried the last two of the twenty bouquets Christopher had ordered to the entrance. "But it's cute."

They were standing outside of the restaurant that Melanie and Lukas had made a reservation to. They would be arriving at any moment, and Christopher wanted to make sure his set up was perfect, so he recruited Vero and a few crew members to help him hold the bouquets at the door.

Lukas' car pulled up to the valet just as Christopher got into position at the edge of the sidewalk. He would be the first person she saw when she got out of the car.

"What's this?" she asked him when he opened her door. She didn't get out until Lukas came around to her side.

Once she was standing on the sidewalk with Christopher, he inhaled deeply and took her hand in his. She was wearing a white dress that flowed effortlessly around her figure and silver stilettos to match. The sheer fabric was carried by the subtle evening breeze, and she looked nothing short of a goddess.

"You look absolutely beautiful." He handed her the bouquet of roses, but she didn't take them. "I know I've been absent. I've let you down, and I continuously disappoint you. But if you let me, I'll make it up to you. I'll show you just how much you mean to me."

She looked at Lukas then at the crowd gathered by the door and the new incoming crowd around them. A few bystanders had taken their phones out to take pictures. "Chris, I don't know what to say."

"You can say you'll have dinner with me. We can start there. My time is yours."

She pulled her hand from his and took a step in Lukas' direction. "Did you plan this?"

Lukas shook his head. "I helped, but this was all Chris."

"Baby," Christopher said, cupping her cheek. He turned her to look at him and handed the bouquet off to Lukas. "Don't give up on me yet. There's still so much I want to show you. There's so much I want to give you."

"You hide things from me," she accused him. "You said you'd try, and then you just disappeared again."

"It won't happen again."

"We don't know that," she whispered quietly enough for just them to hear. "I don't like being in the dark. If you want me as much as you say, you wouldn't shut me out."

"I won't," he quickly said. "I'll tell you everything you want to know."

She opened her mouth to speak, but words failed her when he pressed his lips to hers, stealing a kiss.

Lukas sucked in a sharp breath and looked away. He couldn't stand seeing his brother kiss the woman he loved. As if she could sense his disappointment, she broke away from Christopher and leaned against Lukas, seeking his comfort.

"I can't," she said, grazing her fingers across her lips. She hadn't felt anything when he kissed her. Not like she used to. "I can't do this with you."


Lukas stepped in front of her to block Christopher's path. He didn't want him anywhere near Melanie, especially after he was forced to watch Christopher attempt to claim her.

She hugged Lukas' arm and squeezed her eyes shut. The crowd was growing, and the flash from their phones was blinding. "Take me home, Teddy Bear."

"Melanie, please," Christopher begged.

"You tried," Lukas said before handing him the bouquet. "Give it some time." He opened the passenger door for Melanie and helped her in before making his way to the other side. Once the two of them were buckled in, he pulled away from the restaurant and headed toward her apartment.

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