Chapter 7

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"So hot, Out the box
Can you pick up the pace?
Turn it up, Heat it up
I need to be entertained
Push the limit, Are you with it?
Baby, don't be afraid..."

- For Your Entertainment, ADAM LAMBERT

The sexual tension and heat pouring out of Ryan as he stared intensely down into Blaine's eyes had the effect of gasoline on an open flame for Madison. A sudden dryness invaded her throat and heat flushed her face. Ryan's cock was so hard he must surely be in some level of agony and she was on the edge of begging him to fuck Blaine, when his smoldering eyes shifted from Blaine's flushed face and grabbed her stare.

"Come closer, Maddy." His usually smooth, soft voice was now ragged, course, thick with fierce sexual need and raked over Madison's fevered skin like lightly scratching claws, sending sweet intoxicating shivers rippling through her body.

She scooted closer, pressing up against Blaine's damp body, hot to the touch. His breath was still uneven, short and quick as he watched them both silently. She was so accustomed to him guiding her through their sexual sessions that she felt a bit at a loss now that he was just laying there and not telling her what he wanted to do to her, or what he wanted her to do to him. Taking control had never been her strong suit. And though she suspected Blaine was more often the one controlling his and Ryan's sessions as well, she found herself looking to Ryan for some that he seemed to be taking the initiative with Blaine.

Ryan swirled the tip of his tongue around Blaine's left nipple. Blaine's chest hitched as the small bud hardened. It startled Madison how much that simple little hardening of his nipple turned her on. Ryan smiled and tugged at it with his lips, his eyes on Madison.

Her tongue snaked out and flicked across Blaine's right nipple, inspiring it to stiffen and rise as well. Blaine's breath caught a bit and shuddered through him. She covered the nub with her mouth and sucked at it more firmly. Blaine's fingers slid into her hair and gripped the back of her head as a low groan rolled up his throat. His other hand cupped the back of Ryan's head as his chest began rise and fall more quickly.

"Fuck..." he breathed out on a shaky sigh.

Ahh this is what I'm talking about...

Ryan and Madison each worked a nipple in their mouths, each applying varying degrees of sensations and pressure and suction. The difference in the feel of their mouths was burning his brain and refueling the fire in his body like crazy. His cock twitched and hardened somewhat. Ryan was a master at restoring his erection in record time – during their usual sex. Throwing Maddy into the mix only heightened that return time.

A funny tickle quivered Blaine's insides when Ryan's hand rubbed down over Blaine's hard stomach and curled around his cock, squeezing lightly and stroking slowly, rolling his palm across the head and squeezing just enough to make Blaine bite his lip and suck in a short, sharp breath. Ryan knew just what the fuck he was doing...and he did it well.

Another sharp breath caught in the back of his throat as Maddy's teeth bit at his sensitive nipple. Her mouth covered his tingling nub and the surrounding flesh and sucked at him with force. His fingers tightened against the back of her head as his throat constricted. "Fuck, baby." He gasped softly.

Ryan's warm hand sliding up and down his shaft caused a consuming heat to spread up through his body. He shuddered again as Ryan rubbed his thumb firmly over the head, massaging the tip until Blaine's breath was snagging erratically and pearl drops began to bead up out the tiny hole in his cock head. Fuck, the boy was good.

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