The Night Club

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Chapter 5. The Night club

Third Person view

James was driving and Roman was on the passenger seat, at the back was Shawn and Raymond.
When they were in the car as always Roman puts on some jazz music. As for Shawn and Raymond they were playing some card game.
James gets out his cigarette pack and got one out and lit it, he then opened the window and blew the smoke out. Some of it didn't fully go out so it blew to the backseats,

"What the hell James" complained Raymond who was behind James, he then kicked the drivers seat.
James just stayed quiet.

They arrived at the Night club and James parked, he then looked back at Raymond with a cheeky smirk he inhaled the cigarette and then blew all the smoke at Raymond making James run out the car throwing the cigarette at Raymond.

"PUTANG INA MO!" shouted Raymond trying to open the car door and chase James.

the whole car was full of smoke and everyone was coughing, luckily they went out the car and went to the entrance of the night club. There was a long queue

Raymond POV


"God I smell like smoke now" I said looking at the guys

"Don't worry Raymond, now people can say your burning hot" said Roman starting to poke me in the chest and the guys laughing

"What the hell I already have a girl no need for sharing my hotness" I said with a annoyed face trying to stop Roman from poking me

Ugh this line is gonna take forever

I look at Shawn in front of me

He seems soft and looks soft, doesn't seem like he gets angry easily like James yet they are good friend. unique very unique.

10 mins later

Finally the 4 got into the club, isn't it nice that they were welcomed with a drunk woman trying to kiss Roman, Roman then pushed the woman away and the four rushed to a table before anyone else would harass them.

"So Guys lets play a game" said Roman winking and pulling out the 4 beers Shawn brought

"Guys let's see who's the wussy here by seeing how many bottles we can chug before getting drunk, last man standing will get 100 pesos from each person" said Roman looking at them

Shawn then said he can't join because he's acidic and can't really drink beer

"Wussssyyyyy" said James smiling and pointing at Shawn

"I'm not.. I just can't" said Shawn trying to avoid eye contact and look down too the floor Fidgeting with his fingers..

"Ok let's go" they all screamed

30 mins later

"Heh I win " shouted James as he drunk his 7th Bottle later on passed out slamming his face onto the table.

"HeYyy SpaRtaN aRenT yOu ThE BuLkY OnE" said Raymond slurring his words saying it directly to Roman holding his 5th bottle

Roman later on moved away from the drunk Raymond and walked in a tipsy motion to the toilet to vomit.

Shawn was just sitting next to the passed out James, Shawn was drinking a chocolate milkshake. James was sweating and Shawn started to bite his lip

"hhheYY wusSy GeT awAy FrOm HiM ItS conTagist" Said Ray dropping his bottle onto the floor making it shatter bit by bit.

Raymond then stood up and vomited onto the floor leaving some of it on his shirt

"TANGINA, SHAWN FOLLOW ME NOW TO THE CARPARK" Shouted Raymond as he realised his shirt was covered in beer and bits of vomit

Shawn and Raymond then started walking out of the nightclub, some steps Raymond took nearly made him tip over but Shawn helped him to balance himself

"W-where are we going Ray..?" asked Shawn as they reached James car

"Uh can you maybe cover me and keep an eye I'm gonna change my clothes.." said Raymond as he was reaching for his clothes in the trunk

Raymond then took off his shirt

Shawns POV

Shitttttt Raymond is fine..

Oh shit my head

It's coming back

I start biting my lips and trying not too look at him, I start turning red as he changed his pants. I don't think he realises I'm looking at him.

It seemed like he didn't care if I looked at him at all.

His brief was showing as he was putting on new jeans, I couldn't help it.. why am I staring at it. This is  fucking weird

"Um ok I'm done let's go back now" he said so I did what he told me, we started heading back to the nightclub and reunited with the rest

"Guys let's go back na James isn't waking up" said Roman still a little tipsy

"Ah ok then let's go"

We then left the night club carrying James. Roman drove all of us back to Raymond's home

Next chapter ;))

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