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     Bryn awoke from another nightmare. Ever since the creatures had teleported her from the forest back into her bedroom, she has had nightmares of Julian dying repeatedly. Nearly a decade had went by since his death. She tried to confide with her friends, but none of them believed her. She was labelled as crazy and was almost sent to a mental hospital.

     The day she got back, she frantically went to the police. They refused to believe her, laughing at her and calling her a nutcase.

     "Monsters? In the forest? You're making this up ma'am. We have no record of this supposed "Julian" anywhere. I think all you want is media attention. Good day." The police said before they ushered her out.

     Bryn soon realized the extent of damage the creatures had done to her life. She became shunned in life, an outcast to all who saw her. Most of the time she locked herself in her room and cried. She refused to answer calls, even if it was from one of her remaining friends, such as Zi.

     She would never recover from this trip. Her life was permanently scarred from that fateful camping trip.

     Bryn got up, the nightmare still fresh in her mind. She went downstairs, her depression emerging again as she thought about Julian. She had already attempted suicide multiple times, but all the attempts had failed, foiled by desperate friends.

     She smiled sadly, her long gone love still in her mind. She had severed contact with friends a while ago. They couldn't stop her now. She knew what she had to do.

     The next day, she was ready. She had bought the pistol from a dealer who was more than anxious to get rid of it. That didn't bother her. Before loading a bullet into the chamber, she wrote a short goodbye note. She left it on the counter and slowly put a bullet into the gun.

     Her hand trembled as she raised the gun to her temple. Despite that, she felt no sadness, no regret as she breathed her last breaths. Finally, finally, she would be reunited with Julian. After all these years, she would finally be happy again. Her last thoughts were of Julian when she pulled the trigger.

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