Oc #1

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First Name: Jackson
Last Name:White
Nickname:Greyson, Lion, and Panther
Age: 18
Species:Fallen Angel
Sexual Orientation: Bi


Eye Color(s):they turned a Light red after he fell and the longer he stayed in hell the deeper the color became
Hair Color:his hair is a light blue on the top and it translates to a red on the left side and to a deep purplish blueing the right
Highlights:he used to have a gold streak on the right side
Hair Style: seen in the picture at the top
Skin tone:it's a border line tan
Body type:fit

About him/her

Personality:Protective, sweet, violent, loves kids, slightly childish, compulsive, loves reading, musical, polite
Good Habit(s):he will help a child without a second thought, he treats all people with respect, he will give everything he has if it means his sister (Wendy) is safe or if it means that person will live.
Bad habit(s)he scratches his skin when he is nervous, or scared, he will attack someone if they piss him off
Like(s):reading, cooking, he secretly loves to bake(don't tell him I told you 😉)
Dislike(s):people who are annoying, holy water, people that hurt his friends or family
Hobbies:painting, drawing, making animations, baking, writing
Allergies:he's allergic to Pollen
Fear(s): he has a fear of falling(like falling of a cliff or from high places
Strength(s):he is protective, and gets along with children, is polite
Weakness(es):compulsive, violent
Special Powers/Abilities: he has a pair of Dark Angel wings
Weapon(s):Throwing knives, And a set of 10 throwing stars
Extra:he has a Necklace that his sister gave him before he fell and it has deep meaning to him it can also work like a forcefield. He also has Panic attacks if past trauma is brought up (his triggers for his Trauma:people asking why he fell, if someone is choking him, if and Angel gets to physically close to him without them telling him why.)

Talents and Dreams

Occupation/Job: Guard for the princess and the royal family.
Best Class(es):Math(even tho he doesn't like the class), Science, History, and gym
Worst Class(es):ELA/ English mostly because he's used to talking in Latin or Russian.

Family and Friends

Parent(s):unknown angels actually have Guardians and his Guardian's name is Victor
Sibling(s): Wendy White
Best Friend(s):the reader from my Grinny boyfriend scenarios, Christen(Victor's ex-boyfriend), Slenderman, Judge Angel
Friend(s):Bloody Painter, BEN DrOWnEd
Crush(es):Sebastian(and no it is not the Sebastian from black butler
Pet(s):Hellhound puppy named Spot
Rival(s):Parisen, Dracan, Davis


Scent: surprisingly he smells like Lavender and Jasmine
Blood type: Ab-
Outfit(s):Casual #1 Casual #2 Casual #3 Formal #1 Formal #2 Sleepwear #1
Accessories:Necklace and also a Royal guard ring
Scars:he has many scars lining his chest and arms some of the ones that are in his arms are from his scratching habit but the rest are from the gladiator pit or fighting rouge demons
Tattoo(es):he has the Alpha symbol branded On his left shoulder
Jewelry: his necklace from his sister and a Ring from the king that is called the ring of the guard.


Theme Song/Quote:

He lives by a quote that he told to his sister when she would have nightmares.

#1, don't fear the demons under your bed they're only hiding from the ones in your head.
Favorite Food(s):he loves hot dogs and dumplings
Favorite Drink(s):He loves 7up and water
Favorite Color(s):dark blue
Favorite Animal(s):Panther, Sable, and Hellhounds
Favorite Number:42
Favorite Season(s):Summer
Favorite Holiday(s): Halloween
Favorite Time of Day: night

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