🐼Tarinoille nimiä🐼

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Tell me pretty lies

Tell me that you love me

I'm only fool for you

Even if it's fake

But you could never hurt me

This is the part when I let you go

I just smile and pretend

I don't care anymore

My friend, we've come to an end

Feel like I can't trust nobody

I'm just nobody

Love is not just for me

I never give forgive

White rose

Can't control you

We was on fire

I miss the old you

You got me crazy

Proud of you

I'm a monster

Why do I keep needing you when I know I’ll get hurt?

Just give me a smile

Will you promise me?

I'm only yours

Nobody like you

Now run and fast!


Don't leave me

No, she like me

That's my baby

Crazy? Maybe

Are you happy now?

But, I still want you


I just need you

Because without you, there’s no me

Give me back my smile

Caught in a lie

Okei nyt hieman enkukskin😊
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