A Nighttime Curiosity

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Chapter 1: A Freed Dark Form.
It was in the afternoon and Sonic had just been caught by Eggman who used the old I've got Amy or Tails trick.
"Ok Egghead, what's your plan this time?" Sonic asked sounding bored.
"Im going to free one of your most powerful forms and steal their energy for my mechs and robots."
"And which form would that be?" Sonic asked now sounding nervous. "The one you call Dark." "Um I don't think that's gonna work cause Dark's not evil." Sonic said blankly. But Eggman didn't care, he still pushed the button on the machine and Sonic was shocked with electricity but not a lot of it though, then a black hedgehog was freed from Sonic and spoke. "Finally I'm free, now I can go find a friend, I was getting very lonely being stuck in Sonic's head and I can go to my secret special place with whoever I can find and befriend." "Dark don't go rushing off, people might be afraid of you, I know you're not evil but other people might not know that..." said Sonic. But before Sonic or Eggman could do anything to catch him, Dark had flown off looking for a friend...
Meanwhile in a field of flowers a young rabbit named Cream was picking edible flowers for her mum when suddenly a black hedgehog with white eyes appeared and quickly but gently picked her up and flew off with her. "If you're looking for edible flowers I can help you." Said Dark. "Where are you taking me?" Asked a slightly worried Cream. "Please don't be afraid of me, I just want a friend I'm sorry for taking you like this but I can sense that you are kind but lonely too..." said Dark feeling sad that he had frightened the young child.
It didn't take long for them to arrive at a large willow tree surrounded by flowers. Please don't tell anyone else about this place, I don't want anyone bad to find it and ruin it..." "Ok I promise I won't tell anyone." Said Cream who was less afraid than she was before, mostly because she knew he was Sonic's dark form but he seemed to only be looking for a friend cause he was lonely. "Maybe I can help him to not be lonely." Cream thought before she was carried back home by Dark who flew off before Cream's mum or anyone else could see him. "Finally I have a friend." Thought Dark happily...

Writer's comment. I just came up with this idea about Sonic's dark form being lonely and longing for a friend so I decided to write this. I hope you enjoyed it. There will be about 10 chapters but not all at once though so I have time to do other things aswell.

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