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Hs: ... Why did you
kiss back?

You: I asked you

Hs: I asked you

You: So answer me

Hs: .... No

You: 😑

You: Sedona is a
lot like you

Hs: I am her brother

You: Please just tell

Hs: Fine

Hs: Before I picked
you up from the airport

Hs: Namjoon told me
not to kiss you without

Hs: He just said it out
if nowhere and for
some reason it got
stuck in my head

Hs: ... and then I
couldn't stop

You: You kissed me

You: Because Namjoon
told you not to?

Hs: Essentially yes

Hs: Why did you
kiss me back

You: You don't
deserve an answer
to that

You: Asshole

Hs: What??

You: I have to work

You: I'm busy

Hs: But you're on


You: Leave me alone

Hs: Ok.....


You: Your brother
is an asshole

Sedona: It's too early
for this I'm hung over

Sedona: What did he do

You: Last night when
he dropped me home
he kissed me

Sedona: 😀HE DID

You: ...

Sedona: ... I mean

Sedona: 😡he did what?

You: I asked him
why just now

You: And he told me
he did it because
Namjoon told him
not to

Sedona: Ok wow

Sedona: I'm

Sedona: Wow

Sedona: ... wow

You: Stop that

Sedona: wow

Sedona: That's

Sedona: Wow I am
kinda mad at him

Sedona: Why would
he say that he's so

Sedona: And why would
Namjoon tell him not

Sedona: You did kiss
him back right?

You: Yeah but I
pulled away

You: I was nervous

You: And confused

Sedona: Damn

Sedona: I'm sorry he
hurt you Y/N

Sedona: I will deal
with him 🙂

You: I gotta finish
my work now

Sedona: I'll message
you later. We can have
a girly night

You: Yes please


Hs: I

Hs: Fucked up

Nj: What now

Nj: Aren't you getting
ready to go to practice?

Hs: I'm already

Nj: Ok then what

Hs: I might have pissed
Y/N off

Hs: And caused her to
hate me

Nj: ..... You didn't tell
her the kiss was a mistake

Hs: She asked me why
I kissed her

Nj: What did you
say 😑

Hs: ... That I did it
because you told
me not to

Nj: wow

Nj: Just wow

Nj: Why didn't you tell
her what you said to me

Nj: About her being
pretty and stuff

Hs: I don't know

Nj: Well you DO know
that Sedona is going to
be pissed right

Hs: She's going to
kill me

Hs: I also asked her
why she kissed me back

Nj: What did she say?

Hs: She answered after
I did

Hs: She said I don't
deserve an answer to
that question and
called me an asshole

Hs: And she told me
to leave her alone
because she has work

Nj: Well she did say
last night that her
company has a building
here so she agreed to
work a bit from her
Air b n b

Nj: But

Nj: Yeah

Nj: You pissed her off

Nj: Or really upset

Nj: Just hope Sedona
is too hung over to
come out today

Nj: ... But pick up
if she calls

Hs: Are you crazy?!?!

Nj: It'll be worse if you

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