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A few weeks passed by with Hwanwoong still being flustered due to the rapper.His words still tickled his ear.They lingered in his mind ever since.Why did he have to do such a gesture to Hwanwoong out of all people? Not that Hwanwoong was complaining but he was definitely caught off guard by it.

Currently,he was simply staring at the ceiling after following the rapper on all his social accounts.The said male was just about to go live and Hwanwoong was intending watch it.Important informations were going to be revealed,such as the next concert's location,new collaborations,future projects and so on.

Just then,his phone buzzed making him jolt from his comfortable position.He fumbled with his phone,turned it on and his eyes widened upon seeing the notification.

"Let's see.." he mumbled to himself as he waited for the dark-blue haired rapper to come on camera.

He frowned at the dark environment that was chosen for the live session.


Hwanwoong nearly fell off his bed as the taller began chuckling,feeling proud that he scared his fans.

"Did I scare you?" he tilted his head,looking straight at the camera,flustering Hwanwoong.

"I almost pissed my pants,you dumbass.." he ruffled his hair,feeling annoyed by the other's goofy attitude.

"So,as you all know already,I'm about to reveal some classified information.Rules are meant to be broken after all.Just don't tell my manager."

Hwanwoong rolled his eyes playfully.

"Rebelling against your manager's rules,huh?.."

"My next concert will be next saturday,at Tokyo Dome.Make sure to come at 8pm sharp,ok? I'll wait for you." Geonhak informed,grinning from ear to ear.

Hwanwoong felt like he was talking to him which made him more determined to go all the way to Tokyo Dome to see his performance.

How funny it was..He first started as a street rapper that was barely recognized.Now he became a famous figure in Seoul,Japan and China with thousands of fans in the span of a few weeks.It was crazy but Hwanwoong was proud of him.His talent was finally getting recognition.

He watched his live for hours without getting bored.The rapper often cracked some jokes,recommended songs,talked about his childhood,read some of the fans' comments and for once,Hwanwoong was truly having fun.He left all his problems behind,locking them deep in his mind and focused on the bright side of the world.

With shaky fingers,he slowly typed a comment and sighed before pressing 'send'.

YeoHwanwoong: You look handsome today.

Once he sent it,he tightly shut his eyes,too afraid to look at the handsome rapper's reaction.

The suave voice he grew so fond of replied almost instantly.

"Thank you,shorty"

His mouth almost hit the ground at his reply.

Crystal006: omg! Is this a ship I'm smelling??

Geonhak'sFabulousHair: My ship is sailing!!

Kpop4life: Is 'shorty' the handsome short boy he danced with?? Omg I'm crying

Hwanwoong blushed at the fans's comments and he also felt like an idiot for doing such a stupid thing.What if Geonhak's career will suffer because of his stupid comment? Sure,it was just a nice comment directed to a handsome man but what if some fans took it the wrong way and now were planning to assassinate him in his sleep?

He ruffled his hair and cursed.

"Calm down..breathe in..breathe out.." Geonhak spoke calmly

Hwanwoong wondered how it was possible to know that he was currently a panic mess but followed his instructions nonetheless.

After he calmed down,he typed another comment.

YeoHwanwoong: thank you..

Crystal006: omg this is so sweet..Hwan must have panicked and Geonhak calmed him down

Kpop4life: I'm totally supporting this powerful duo.I'm waiting for more collabs from you two.Fighting!

"I would love to collab again someday,shorty.On a bigger stage this time.Why don't you become a dancer? You're pretty good at it." Geonhak suggested with a smile and Hwanwoong shook his head.

"You are not good at anything..loser..how could you stand beside such an artist?..useless.."  his mind was full of negative thoughts once again.

Hwanwoong desperately fought them,clutching his head.

Geonhak'sFabulousHair: Geonhak,why don't you recruit him in your team?? Convince your manager to make him your dancer! You don't have that many anyway! He's already talented so doesn't need that much training!

Hwanwoong gasped at the comment and anxiously waited for a response from the rapper.

He bit his nails,waiting and waiting.Geonhak smirked at the suggestion and opened his mouth.

Hwanwoong had to look away,not being able to hear it.

"Get ready,shorty.You're about to become big."

street rapper | leedo&hwanwoong DISCONTINUEDWhere stories live. Discover now