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After the text with Stella I stood up and after a few days of lying in bed and doing nothing, I finally got myself ready. I took a shower, brushed my teeth, and put some clothes on. I decided to wear a black high waisted jeans with a white hoodie. I did my hear in a ponytail and put some make up on. After a few minutes I went downstairs, ate a granola bar and went outside.

I grabbed my bike and drove to Jonah's house. I went to the front door and ringed the bell. Nobody opened the door, what if he isn't home? Or what if his mo-
Suddenly the door opened and I saw Jonah standing in front of me. "Hi" he said while he looked at me weirdly. "Hi.. I want to talk to you." I said while I walked inside even though he didn't asked me to come inside. "And I'm not leaving till I explained it." I said while I took a seat on the couch. Jonah was still standing by the door and looking at me. "Well I guess I don't have another choice." He said while he closed the door and walked over to me.

"Why aren't you at school?" "I'm sick" he said while he grabbed some drinks." I looked around and saw a bag of chips and popcorn on the table. "Mhm, why are you lying?" I said with a giggle and he handed me the drink. "I don't think that's something you can say, if someone lied, it's you." He said and he took a seat next to me.

His hair was messy and he walked in some joggers en a white t shirt, he looked handsome as hell. After a few seconds I realized that I was staring so I quickly looked at my drink. "So, are you gonna tell me or are we gonna sit here for years?" He said with a serious face.

"Okay, so first of all, I'm really sorry for lying to you. I should've told you earlier about the reason why I left my old school, but please don't believe a word of what Lily said. That's all a lie." I took a sip of my drink and looked at him. Without saying a word he kept looking at me, so I continued my story.

"It all started when the cheerleading squad and I went to the finals of a competition. Lily and I weren't best friends at all, actually I hated her, she was really bitchy but after we won the finals and the whole team except for Lily, wanted me to be the leader, she started being really nice to me. Well, we actually became best friends. Of course I thought it was weird, but everybody deserves a second chance right?"

I took a sip of my drink and looked at it, while Jonah was still listening to me and looking at me.

"Everything was actually going great, till I got a friend, Well a boyfriend. His name was Josh, and we were friends for quite a long time. Till one day he asked me to be his girl-"
"Yea okay, go on" Jonah interrupted me a little annoyed. He clearly hate it when I talk about my ex.

"Okay so one day after my cheerleading practice, I went outside to my bike and I saw a whole group of boys standing next to my bike. I walked over to them and they started to threatening me. I had to sell some drugs or they would tell the whole school about my family thing. Nobody knew about it, because for me it's a really hard thing to tell. So I grabbed the drugs out of their hands and took it home."

"Why is it a hard thing for you to tell people about your home situation?" Jonah asked and I looked up. "Well, it's pretty hard to tell people that you're unwanted and that your parents made a mistake. Ever thought about that!?" I said with an angry voice and suddenly a tear left my eye. I quickly wiped it away, hoping that Jonah didn't saw it, but of course he did. He gave me a hug and suddenly more and more tears left my eyes. I never really cried about it..
What's happening with me?
Do I really care that much about Jonah?

"It's okay, I'm sorry that I asked." Jonah said while he wiped away my tears. I looked at him with a little smile and continued my story.

"So a few days later I kept selling drugs to people on school, it was all a big secret and I didn't told anyone. I had those drugs in my locker because I needed to sell it on school and there was no other way to keep it anywhere else. It was okay, I mean as long as my story didn't come out, I kept doing it. There was no problem, till one day everybody was saying that I cheated on Josh. Which I didn't, of course not, why would I cheat? So everybody was against me, even the whole cheerleading team and Josh broke up with me. So, I was alone. I didn't had anyone, nobody supported me, nobody was there for me."

Jonah lied his hand around me "You didn't deserved that, I'm sorry that there was nobody." He said while he gave me a kiss on my cheek.

"I'm afraid of telling you the next part.." I said while I looked away from him. "Why?" "Because you'll hate me Jonah, I know you will." I said while I took a deep breath. "I used the drugs." He quickly put his hand back and looked at me in shock. "y-you did what?" "I used it, I used drugs!" I said with an angry voice and of course I started to cry again. But this time Jonah didn't comforted me. He was mad, which I understood but I didn't had another choice.

"Why the fuck did you do that!?" He yelled at me while he stood up. "What was I supposed to do? People kept saying that I cheated, nobody was there for me and everything fell apart. What the hell, why don't you understand me!" I screamed back and put my head in my hands.

"What about telling people that you didn't cheated? Damn Jade, there are so many other options!!" He said while he slammed his hand on the table, he was really mad. "Jesus you don't understand it huh? I couldn't because they photoshopped me with a random boy. Who the fuck would believe me? And besides that, someone tipped the school about me having drugs in my locker. Of course the school checked my locker and found drugs. What could I do? They wouldn't believe me, and those random guys who threatened me, were already expelled for doing something else. Who would believe me after that?" I screamed at Jonah and stood up. I grabbed my jacket and opened the front door. "You know what Jonah? I don't need you, I don't need someone in life who doesn't believe me. And why would you? You only know me for a few days. I hope you find the love of your life, someone you trust and believe." I said while I looked at him. I walked outside and slammed the front door behind me and went back to my house.

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