Chapter 4

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The ride was quick but painfully quiet which made it feel like it took forever. When we did eventually arrive I jumped out of the car and did a little dance. "I'M BACK!~" I spun in circles looking at the sky. People looked at me weirdly at first but when I looked down from the sky and they saw my face people ran away.

"Okay Diesel I need you to do your job. Please bring these kids to were they have a chance." I stared at Benjamin for a second then gave him a firm nod full of determination. "Okay. You better get going soon or people will get suspicious." I leaned in the car and grabbed my beg. I draped it over my shoulder and hugged Benjamin.

"Bye Ben, see you soon" When I released him from the hug he did a little happy dance. "You called me Ben!" I laughed at him Childness. "Yeah, don't get use to it."

I then pushed him into the car and shut the door. I hit the door to tell the driver he could leave, he was off in a second. "Okay let's do this." I started to walk towards the one place I despise. Ursula's fish and chips.

That was most likely the place I'll find my two favourite boys at. Once I was standing in front of the shop the smell of rotten fish it my nose. At this moment I hated my heightened sense of smell. I took a deep breath and gave myself a small prep talk. After about 10 seconds I was slamming the door opened. "I'm back!~"

Everyone in the room looked over at me. No one moved, no one let out a breath. I looked around my eyes stopped wondering when I saw Harry with his hook to Gil's throat. "Harry Hook put the hook down!" He stopped for a second and slowly turned around.

When he saw me he dropped Gil and latched his hook on his belt. He ran over to me and picked me up and spun me around hiding his face in my neck. "Diesel you have no idea how much I missed you!" 'God his accent got stronger in only a year!' "Look at you all grown up and buff."

I continued to poke at his biceps. I poked his side knowing that was his weak spot. He jerked away taking a shaky breath. "Still the same I see." I poked his sides continuously.

It became harder and harder to not laugh. After about three more pokes he fell to the floor laughing his ass off. I sat on his hips straddling him. I continued to to attack his sides. He laughed harder as he squirmed on the floor.

The other pirates and residents watched.
"S-s-stop!" I shook my head no. "Nah I don't feel like it." He kicked and yelled trying to get out of my weak grip.

"P-p-please, s-s-top, ahhh." I stopped to let him breath. Because I sure as hell didn't want him dead. He caught his breath slightly before I got off. "Okay you people can stop staring now, the shows over."

"So what brought you back to the isles Diesel."

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